Bonus Chapter (Part 2)

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Last Chapter dedicated to @XoXoNianaXoXo for the singing idea, even though I chose another song, and @DejaB1415 even though I didn't use your idea I really liked it. Might use it in another story. I'll let you know if I do. Thanks ya'll. You two are the best. ❤️

BC - I'm Amazed By You

       Blaring lights and the sound of noisy slot machines filled every corner of the large building. Thomas shook his head as he took in the crowds. It was going to be almost impossible to find Kaityln in this mess. He turned to Dane who was scratching his head.

         "I think we should split up."

Dane immediately looked at him as if he had lost a few screws. "No way, I know how things like this go. The idiot friend gets into trouble with some big black guy and then the innocent friend gets his face pounded from association. So, no thanks. We're staying together."

       "Fine, but we need to start looking." He glanced around the room trying to find a place to start when he noticed a man dealing out cards at one of the tables near them. "Hey, lets go check over there." He took off towards the table with Dane on his trail.

The older guy was shuffling cards when they approached. A snake like smile forming across his lips. "Would you two like to play?" He motioned for them to take a seat.

Thomas shook his head. "No sir, we're actually looking for someone. A girl."

The man continued to shuffle the cards, never looking up. "A girl you say? I see a lot of girls."

Thomas let out a huff, taking out his phone and pulling up a picture of Kaitlyn. "It's really important." He shoved the phone into the man's line of vision. "Now have you seen this girl or not?"

The man scratched the side of his head. "Sorry, don't think I've seen her, but you might want to check the bar. There's a lounging area over there." He said with a shrug.

Thomas thanked him and took off towards the bar. As they approached, they noticed a woman who was turned around, her black hair hanging down her back loosely. Thomas let out a sigh of relief as he grabbed her shoulder.

     "Kaitlyn, i'm so glad we found you."

The woman turned around slowly, a scowl covering her face. "Get your hands off of me!" She shrieked. Thomas immediately took a step back.

     "Sorry, ma'am. I thought you were my friend," he said showing her a picture of Kaitlyn.

The woman brushed a piece of hair out of her eyes. "No, I'm sorry. I just thought you were another creep or something, but I haven't seen your friend. I hope you find her." She called as he and Dane began to walk away from the bar.

Thomas ran a hand through his black hair. "She has to be here somewhere, but where?"

        "Maybe we should head over to the hotel and look around there." Dane offered. Thomas looked at his friend and nodded.

"Sounds good."

As they began to head for the exit, a loud tapping noise echoed throughout the loud casino. "Heeeellllooo." A feminine voice slurred. "Is this thing on?"

Thomas stopped at the voice and turned his eyes to the stage. Dane was texting on his phone and ended up running into the back of Thomas. "Dude-" he started.

    "Shh," Thomas said harshly, "Look." He pointed to the stage. Dane turned to see what he was pointing to when he saw Kaitlyn up on the stage, and his eyes went wide. The band that had been playing earlier were all standing behind her, watching her curiously. She was obviously drunk, but that wasn't what caught his attention. It was Kaitlyn's wedding dress. It was ripped up the side, showing off a lot of leg, and drooping down slightly in the front.

       Dane quickly covered his eyes. "Jack is seriously going to kill you." He mumbled as he tried hard not to look at the half clothed Kaitlyn up on stage. Thomas grabbed his shoulder.

"Just be quiet and come on." He urged him.

When they got closer to the stage, Thomas tried to get her attention. "Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn!" He shouted over the loud talking. She didn't notice him. She turned to the band behind her and smiled.

     "Do you think..that you could play something for me?" She said happily, falling forward slightly and one of the guys steadied her.

"Anything for you sweetheart." He winked and the others nodded.

She leaned down so that she could whisper into his ear. They all seemed to agree to whatever she said and went to stand behind their instruments while the man who had helped her up earlier took a mic of his own. Kaitlyn undid her braid and shook her hair out, until it was flowing down her shoulders.

     "Hello, everyone! My name is Kaitlyn and this is my first night in Las Vegas!" She shouted loudly. Everyone stopped chattering and turned to the stage. Dane and Thomas tried to get up onto the stage but there were too many people.

Kaitlyn looked out into the crowd. "Today I'm getting married to the most amazing man ever." She sputtered. "And to show him just how much I love him I'm gonna sing him a song!"

The band began to play and Dane ran a hand over his face. "We're both dead." He mumbled. Thomas only nodded, watching as Kaitlyn lifted the mic to her lips. The man beside her started signing first and after a couple of lines she came in. As soon as she started signing, the whole room went silent. Dane looked up bewildered, not truly believing his own ears.

     "Maybe I'm a girl, maybe I'm a lonely girl who's in the middle of something, something that she doesn't really understand.."

"What.." Dane said breathlessly. "She can sing?"

Thomas was too mesmerized by her voice to speak. He felt a tap on his shoulder, revealing a very angry looking Jack. He folded his arms across his chest. "You know I'm still gonna kick your butt right." He motioned to his half dressed fiancé. "But I guess I'll let you slide since you found her." He said looking up at Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn noticed jack and smiled widely as she belted out the next verse.

       "Maybe I'm a girl, and maybe you're the only one who can ever help me, maybe you can help me understand." 

Jack couldn't stop the stupid grin that took over his face. He gave the guys a glance before heading towards the stage.

     "Where are you going?" Thomas shouted over the loud music. Jack shot his friends a wink.

"On stage of course, I'm not gonna let my girl sing a love song about me with some wanna be Romeo." He stated, pushing through the crowd.

When he made it to the stage he tapped the guy to hand over the mic. At first he refused, but gladly handed it over after Jack grabbed him by the collar. Jack walked over to Kaitlyn, placing a light kiss on her forehead as she continued to sing, her eyes only looking towards him.

Jack felt his heart tighten as he joined her, looking out at his friends for a quick second. He had everything that he needed, three crazy friends that would always be there for him, no matter what.

And a woman, who even when she was drunk off her butt, loved him with everything she had.

Life was great.

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