Chapter Nine

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Hey everyone! Sorry, I usually try to update daily but I graduated from college today and I've been getting ready to start nursing school this fall. 🎓🎉 It's been crazy. But anyways, thought I'd leave this chapter for you guys. Hope you all enjoy it and have a blessed day.

9 - The Bus

"So, you and Jack had a fight?" Thomas asked as soon as Jack and Dane had gone to the front of the bus to talk to the driver. Lee had locked himself away in his room with another book and so the two of them were left alone. Kaitlyn didn't necessarily like being alone with Thomas. It wasn't that he was rude or unfriendly. He was actually too friendly and often times behaved more like a child than a famous rockstar. 

She could see the way his dark brown eyes glimmered mischievously as he leaned in closer. "Spill."

Kaitlyn shot her eyes over to the handsome man beside her, his tan arms crossed firmly across his chest. If he wasn't such a jokester she would've thought he was attractive. She bit her lip, staring at him as if he was some strange phenomenon.

       "What are you, some teenage girl at her first sleepover?"

Thomas's face morphed into complete horror. "You wish. I'm twenty four, for your information." He said waving his hand in a womanly fashion as he rolled his eyes. "Plus, I only play teenage girl sleepover on my days off," He batted his eyelashes sadly, "The other guys never want to join me." He added and Kaitlyn chuckled.

Thomas leaned back on the couch, inspecting his nails like you would see a female do after leaving the nail shop. "So about you and Jack.." He persisted.

She shrugged. "It was nothing."

He dropped his hands into his lap. "Nothing?" He questioned, unconvinced. "I find that really hard to believe considering the fact that every time I brought up your name at the hotel, Jack kept sending me death glares."

     "Doesn't he do that all the time?" She said, trying to take the attention off of herself.

Thomas tapped his chin. "No, those glares are normal. They basically say 'if you don't stop acting like an idiot I'm going to punch you,' while the glares he was sending me today gave off this vibe of, 'if you don't stop saying Kaitlin's name I'm going to maim you so thoroughly that even your future kids won't be able to recognize you'

      "How does that even work?"

Thomas shrugged, "I don't know, but it sounds like something that jerk would say." He shifted himself closer to her on the couch. "Now come on, you can tell me anything. We're all friends here."

She frowned. "Friends?"

Thomas scratched the back of his neck embarrassedly. "I mean if you want to. You're going to be hanging out with us for awhile and all, it would only make sense that we all like each other."

Kaitlyn watched the man before her, so many emotions coursing through her at that moment that she didn't know what to say. "I - friends?" She said again.

He nodded, giving a small laugh. "Yeah, friends. You act like you've never had one before."

Kaitlyn didn't make any indication on answering that question. Thomas instantly noticed that the sad look of her face was the same look she was wearing earlier when he kept asking about the fight she had with Jack. "Now I see. Jack must've said something about you not having any friends and it upset you?"

She kept quiet. She didn't know she would be embarrassed twice in one day. She waited for him to start laughing and bust out the jokes on why she had no friends, but they never came. She turned her head to catch the weird look he was giving her.

      "Why are you looking at me like that." She said uncomfortably.

Thomas must've snapped out of his trance immediately at her question. He shook his head once as if trying to clear it before holding out his hand. "From this day on we're friends." He stated. Kaitlyn waited for him to pull his hand back as if it was a trick - waiting for him to slap her hand and shout, 'Ha, not in my house.'

Thomas held his hand out for a good three minutes before he spoke back up. "What? Are you too good to be my friend now?" He joked, holding his hand out to her once more. Kaitlyn slowly reached her hand out and grasped his.

"Friends." She agreed firmly as if trying to convince herself.

As soon as she was ready to pull away, the bus hit a bump and Thomas fell back onto the couch, bringing Kaitlyn along with him. He groaned beneath her as she tried to move her elbow from his stomach. "I am so sorry." She hastily tried to push herself up before things got worse, but that was when the driver's door popped open and out stepped Dane and Jack.

Dane was the first to see Kaitlyn and Thomas in such a compromising position. It must have caught him off guard because he abruptly stopped, "Well I'll be-" he had started when Jack ran into his back.

"Dane, watch where you're going." He said angrily before his green eyes slowly shifted from around Dane, landing on Thomas who was sprawled out across the couch with Kaitlyn laying right on top of him.

Kaitlyn struggled to tell them that it wasn't what it looked like, when Thomas's strong arms wrapped around her waist. He shot an amused smile to Dane before sending one Jack's way. "Guys, say hi to my new girlfriend." He said chirpily, just before Jack's fist connected with his face.

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