Epilogue (Past v/s Present)

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Hi All!

Back with the epilogue...

Flying to India in 2 weeks...
I am nt sure hw long its gonna take to get back to wattpad while in India...
If u all r willing to wait, I might add bonus chapter later...

PS: Let me know which telecom service in India gives the best coverage and data package🤓


(Note: I intend to show the transition from past to present. So have added lines, in italics, from the past which u hv already read in Chapter 54.
For those who are not able to enjoy the update due to the interference of the past, I am posting the scene in present seperately in the next update. So if u wish, u can skip this part and go to the next one.)

They were now standing face to face in the same room where they had lived like husband and wife for almost an year. Yet tonight, after having sealed their relationship with religious rituals and legal formalities, it gave them a totally fresh feeling. They had never realised the depth of the religious rituals and the legal formalities that bound them with each other for a lifetime, until they completed them and looked at each other with new found respect and admiration. Marriage....does have that impact on a couple. And today they knew what actually it meant to be married.

With no boundaries left between them, no insecurities, no fears gripping them, this night seemed to be a bliss.

I cannot wait but will wait, for tonight, when our room will be filled with your husky moans and my passionate love for you he had told her on the morning of Karvachauth. Unfortunately he had to wait longer as that very evening the truth of their relationship had come out in the most unexpected manner.

He had waited enough for this night and now he could wait no longer.

"I want to make love to you, now" he said coming closer.

"I want to make love to you" he said coming closer "now" he added impatiently.

She closed her eyes, rethinking of her decision, and he misunderstood it as her consent to go ahead.

She did not have to think twice before closing her eyes in submission and giving him her consent to go ahead.

Cupping her cheeks in his palm, he leaned forward and crashed his lips on hers.

Cupping her cheeks gently with his nervously shaky palms, he slowly leaned forward and softly placed his lips on hers.

She shut her eyes tightly, not because she wanted to enjoy her first kiss to the fullest but to kill her temptation to pull back from it.

She shut her eyes tightly wanting to enjoy her first kiss to the fullest and pushed herself closer to him to envelope herself completely in his warmth.

First kiss? Yes! It was her first kiss.
It was her first kiss in her memory.
The first kiss that she wished to be gifted by the man she loves.
And there! Fate had fulfilled her wish in a unique way.

He struggled to get an entry into her mouth and forced his way through it when she resisted.

He shuddered to get an entry into her mouth not wanting to scare her or force her with his impatient moves. He waited to see if she resisted. He smiled gladly and obliged to her, when she opened her mouth willingly inviting him to divulge its treasures.

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