Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

“I’m coming with you.”i paused in my packing and glanced up at Dylan. “no,you’re not.”

he uncrossed his arms and gave me an exasperated look. “you think I’m going to let you hunt Ignus alone? the most dangerous Magma you’ve ever faced- the only one,i might add-who also happens to hate your guts. yeah, right.”

“Dylan,I’m already going to have to ward off Ryder from coming with me, and Kio’s hardly left my side since we got out--”

“don’t remind me.”the disgust in his tone made me stop packing and straighten,putting one hand on my hip. “what’s that supposed to mean?”


“he’s one of the reasons I’m here to have this argument,I’d think you’d be just a little more polite towards him.”

“I’m glad he helped you. i am. but why is he still here? he’s a vapor.”

“he’s a friend.”i snapped. then i turned back to my suitcase. “and he’s coming with me.”

“you’ll take Kio but not me?”

“Kio’s a dragon,Dylan. you’re a novice hunter.”

“you think I’d get in the way?”

i threw the shirt I’d just folded and it made the tent wall wave. “it’s not that!”i insisted exasperatedly. “I just don’t want you to be in any more danger than necessary,and this is going to be the most dangerous hunt I’ve ever been on,not to mention we won’t be coming home to a cozy hunter house at the end of the day,we’ll be stuck camping where we can and eating cold soup out of a can.”

“i can handle it. I’m not just a novice,Mary.”he smiled. “I’m your trainee.”

“you’re my recruit,you’re Ryder’s trainee.”

“yeah,cause you had nothing to do with my training.”

“okay,your initial training at the old house,yes,but--”

“do i have to spell it out for you,Watchers?”he laughed. “I’m coming with you. I’ll hide in the trunk of your car if i have to.”i pursed my lips as i zipped my pack,then laughed. “fine. if you really want to come,pack bare essentials and meet me by the car at five.”i slipped past him and out of the tent. i spotted my parents a few yards away with Mick and a couple of senior hunters leaning over a map. i headed towards them. “Ryder,”i called. he looked up briefly. “Mary,i was just about to call you. there’s a bit of a debate about where we should relocate the hunters.”

“Dad,i need to talk to you and mom for a minute.”

Ryder looked back at Mick and the other hunters,but Mom put a hand on his arm. “sure,Mary. what’s wrong?”i pulled them out of earshot of the others. “I’m leaving.”

“going where?”Ryder asked suspiciously.

“I’m going to hunt Ignus.”

“Mary,we need to get to a new Hunter House.”Ryder said. “can you at least wait--”

“no,Dad. you need to get to a new Hunter House. i need to do this. Cassidee isn’t going to leave me alone until we finish this.”

“you’re sure Ignus is Cassidee?”Mom asked. “because you never know--”

“that dragon yesterday was Ignus,and she confirmed that her human form is Cassidee. you heard what she said. she’ll be back. if i don’t hunt her, she’ll hunt me. i can’t hide in any more hunter houses and risk her destroying them too.”

Shifters: Blood of Dragons (Editing,I promise!)Where stories live. Discover now