Chapter Twenty

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getting everyone organized and ready took several hours,special thanks for which go to one Bridge Garrison. He argued -a lot- about his people being “just the distraction”. It was only when I persuaded him that they were critical to the success of the plan that he agreed. After another hour of shouting orders and listening to complaints,we finally got everyone into place. It was midafternoon before we were in place. I waited anxiously. I'd gone for a sword,since long range battle probably wouldn't be an option for me. I had Dylan and Cassidee covering my back with longbows,so I wasn't too worried. I could get in close range. My only worries were the two ultra powerful dragons walking the head of the dragon army. I felt a stir behind me. “steady,”I called softly. “we must time this perfectly.”finally,what looked like a great wave rose above the trees. I smiled. The Typhoons were on their way. I saw many Pyros take to the air to meet them,only to fall screeching to the ground once more. I narrow my eyes as more and more Pyros go to battle in the air,only to fall,reducing their numbers even as the cavalry charge emerges from the trees. As soon as they crashed into the army of Pyros,I led the charge on foot from the trees to the scrambling Pyros. Before long,we had reduced their number by more than half. As I stabbed my sword through the roof of yet another dragon's mouth,I turned and saw Ignus and Helgoth standing in the fray,untouched,and looking very,very mad. Ignus shrieks and the Pyros fall back,leaving my warriors shocked where they stood. “time to face me yourself,Mary.”she called. Her eyes glowing,she strode forward. “and this time,”her voice was getting deeper. “no tricks.” she began to shift,growing,elongating and rippling. Soon,the largest Magma dragon I've ever seen was standing in front of me. She was even bigger than when she destroyed the Kansas City house. I gulped. I have never faced a dragon this big, or this powerful. But I lifted my sword. She was big enough that just slipping under her belly to thrust the sword up wouldn't be enough. I had to...climb her. I could see her gathering fire and dodged as it came down. As she took a step,I got right in her path and stabbed the soft pad of her foot. Jerking the sword free as she roared in pain,I didn't even need to dodge as she stumbled. Mary, I can help.

Save your strength,Valgoth. We still have to deal with your brother when we're done. He didn't say anything else as I backed away,my sword in both hands. Ignus turned to me and roared. As she bent her neck down,her maw open as if to swallow me whole,I yelled and slashed as her jaw came close. She roared again,in pain now and reeled away. I ran at her as I got closer she swept her tail towards me. Instinct overriding everything else,I jumped,spun and sliced downwards,cutting half her tail off between the spines. Dragon blood sprayed me, burning like hot water. I shouldn't have been able to do that. A sword by itself would break if smacked down on a dragon's tail. Valgoth,I told you to stay your strength until we're done with her.

I am. That was you. I shook my head as I ran up her tail. She was writhing,so it wasn't easy,and I know I got scraped up in the process, but I got halfway up her back before nearly getting thrown from my feet. I grabbed a massive spine and pulled myself up. Climbing more cautiously now,I know she doesn't feel me on her back. She's almost whimpering from pain. As I reach the vulnerable point where her back meets her neck,I make my presence known. “this is for the hunters you've killed.”I called. I raised the blood-stained and steaming sword,ready to plunge it down. Her screeching roar as the steel dug into her was both terrifying and satisfying. She was finished. We both knew it. As I leaped from her back,she fell to the ground. As I got up,she caught fire and in another moment was gone entirely. Panting,I turned to look for Helgoth. He was gone. The Pyros were faint dots in the sky,and my hunters and allies were celebrating around me. A stray horse wandered towards me and I recognized it. Panic set in as I looked around,trying to find it's rider. When I couldn't,I hopped on Larissa's back. “quiet!”I shouted. My voice carried,no doubt with some help from Valgoth. They fell silent. “we will celebrate a victory,but not here,not now. Now, we bury our dead, and treat our wounded. Find your family and friends, cherish them. This was one battle,and we are at war.” they understood and I rode Larissa through the crowd. I found everyone,one by one,who I had to make sure was safe. When I found Mick,he looked up,shocked to see me on Maya's horse. “where is she?”he asked

“I was hoping you could tell me.”I said.

“Mary!”Tom was waving me over. I'd asked him to keep an eye out for my cousin. Turning Larissa abruptly,I urged her into a gallop,pulling up so she slid to a stop by Tom. A prone figure lay at his feet. I recognized my cousin and tried not to panic just yet. I knelt and felt for a pulse.

And sighed with relief.

She was alive. She stirred as Larissa snuffled her hair. I stood and nearly collapsed as my vision fuzzed. I was exhausted,the adrenaline of battle draining me of all strength,helped along by the sheer relief at one simple realization; I hadn't lost anyone close to me in the battle. I leaned on the mare for support as my vision returned to normal,but my legs felt rubbery. A shrill whinny and a familiar little horse cantered up to me,twisting and bucking as she did. “Angel!” I cried. She went right up to her mother to suckle. “how did you get out?”I laughed as she poked her head out to sneeze before going back to nursing.


yeah,one page battle,not exactly expansive or detailed,but,sorry folks,it's not THE battle. next up; Epilogue

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