Chapter Eighteen

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I lay on the edge of the cliff,hidden from sight from below. I was looking through the army-grade binoculars that we'd bought before coming here. What I saw didn't exactly encourage me. From my leg pocket in my cargo pants,the two-way radio crackled. “Mary,what do you see?”Ryder's voice was crackly and backed by static.

I put the noc's down and pulled it from it's fastening. “the good news is,they only have fires.”I replied.

“the bad news?”

“they're Magmas and Blazes. Only a few Magmas,but...a freak ton of Blazes.”

“how many?”

I rolled my eyes. “what do you want me to do,a headcount? I dunno,a few hundred,maybe a thousand or more.”

“alright. Get back down as quickly as you can,but don't get reckless.”

“Yeah,yeah.”I secured the radio in the pocket again and took a last look throught the nocs. What I saw made me freeze,then,as quickly as I could,I belly-crawled away from the ridge until I got to the trees,then I got up and climbed down the cliff. I cut my hand and had to bite my tongue to keep from letting out a cry that would echo to the Fire Dragons. Once on the ground,I picked up my pack and jogged back to the copse of trees where we were camped. “stop!”the command came from behind me. “drop the bag.”I did,slowly raising my hands. “state your name.”

“Mary Watchers.”

“where's your mark?”

“I'll have to turn around to show you.”they hesitated. I sighed. “I just got back from a scouting trip,and I'm exhausted. My mark is on my arm just below my left shoulder. If you want to see it,I have to turn and use my right hand to lift my sleeve. Alright?”


shuffling my feet,I turned so my left shoulder was facing the sentry and, with hand spread,moved my right arm until my fingers touched my sleeve,then lifted slowly. When the mark was in plain view,I turned my head to look at the sentry. The boy looked abashed. “sorry,Commander.”he said,lowering his crossbow. I shook my head. “no,don't be. You did very well.”

“thank you,ma'am.”

“okay,first,don't call me 'ma'am'. And don't call me Commander,either. My name's Mary.”

“yes,Ma'-- Comm--”flushed bright red,he finally mumbled. “sorry,Mary.”

“one more thing. Next time,make them turn to face you and ask to see the bag, as well,if they're carrying one. Other than that,keep up the good work,alright?” I clapped his shoulder encouragingly and walked into camp. “Mary,”Franklin Harte jogged up beside me. “Franklin,gather my family,Dylan,Kio,Cassidee,Raven, and Mark. I've got a report. It's important.”


“oh,and who's on watch on the western perimeter?”

“Tom Dennis,why?”

“put him in my unit for training when he's relieved.”


“and,Franklin!”I called,walking backwards. “what have I told you about calling me Ma'am?”he laughed and jogged away. I walked through the huge camp. My parents,Dylan,Cass,Kio,Raven and I had arrived three weeks ago. The Gusts had arrived the next day,and the Houston and Kansas City Hunters had arrived a week after. For some reason,everyone started calling me Commander or General. I'm not sure where the military titles came from,but it annoyed me to be called Commander like I was a soldier rather than a seventeen year old girl- I stopped. Mentally going over the date,I realized I was eighteen. My birthday passed a week ago.

When I got to the main tent,which was actually several tarps strung together, the others were already waiting. “right.”I said,putting my pack down. As the strap rubbed my palm,I hissed in pain. Immediately,Dylan came over and forcefully turned my palm upwards. “what did you do this time,Mary?”

“it's nothing,Dylan. I just cut myself on the way down the cliff.”

“at this rate,Ignus won't have to do much to kill you. You'll have already torn yourself apart.”

annoyed,I jerked my hand away. “I said,it's nothing. It can wait.”Dylan backed away and I turned back to the rest. “we have bigger problems.”

“like what?”Ryder asked.

“like Helgoth.”I watched their reactions. When they did nothing more than blink at me,I sighed. “Max Taylor's form was apparently stronger than I thought. Because,right now,he's doing martial arts drills on the plains.”

“so,they don't actually need you.”

“no,apparently not.”

“then,why do they persist with this battle?”Mick asked.

“because it has to happen eventually.”I sighed. “so,we need to come up with a battle plan.”

“what about Father? Does he have any ideas?”Felorian asked.

I grit my teeth. “for the tenth time,gramps,”I used the term I knew he hated. “Valgoth is dormant. Gathering strength for the actual battle. It's even more critical now that we know Helgoth is among their number as well. And your dear old grandmother isn't exactly going to be a pushover. So,what are we going to do?”I looked around at those standing around the table. They didn't say anything. “anyone?”

“it's ultimately your decision.”Ryder said.

“yes,you're Valgoth's host.”Mick added.

“you're the one who called us to battle,my lady.”Kevin put in. I let the title slide because it was slightly more flattering than Commander.

“as much as I hate to say it,”Felorian said. “you are the most prepared to lead us here. It is your call,Mary.”

I stared at them. Prepared? Seriously? Maybe if Valgoth were actively helping me. But we'd only conversed briefly in dreams since we arrived at the plains. I wished I could tell them all how scared I was,but I knew I couldn't. Whether I liked it or not,I was their leader now. “fine.”I said. “until tomorrow, shorter watches to make sure everyone gets enough sleep,and someone go into town and get a can of white paint and find me an extra tarp.”I stood straight. “tomorrow,we make our presence known.”


A/n: I know it's kinda short,but it felt like a good place to end the chapter,and I'm starting Chapter Nineteen after I post thi. hmm...what could Mary want with a tarp and white paint? how does it involve announcing their presence to the enemy? you'll find out in Chapter Nineteen. i bet you can sense the end of the book... so can i. :) :( but don't worry,Wrath of Dragons Prologue will be posted almost as soon as I finish Blood of Dragons because I typed it up already. OH and the last part will be an epilogue,because I have a title for it. silly,maybe,but I think it's worth it. I already have that typed up as well. there's a surprise in store. anyway,thanks for reading! Love to all my followers! <3

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