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It was biology 'till Mr. Will entered with a new student, interrupting your class. "Sorry Mrs. Peas, but we have a new student today. Meet Peter Parker." Mr. Will said, gesturing at the anxious, exchange student beside him. There was an empty chair beside you, which telling that Mr. Will will let Peter Parker sit beside you. He gestured the empty chair beside you. He sat there, put down his bag to the ground. Mr. Will thanked Mrs. Peas and left the room and she started teaching again. You got bored so you just kept on drawing with your fingers at your desk and started drumming them against the wooden plank.

The bell rang for the next period. You quickly got up and walked to your locker. You slid in the numbers and it unlocked. The sound of an open locker occurred beside you, you knew that the locker beside you has never been open ever since the school started. You took two steps back and it was Peter Parker. His locker was beside yours.

"Hey, I'm Peter Parker." He waved at you after closing his locker and put a hand out for you to shake. "Oh...I'm Y/N, nice to meet you Peter." You slightly stammered. "Nice to meet you too Y/N." He said.
    "So what's your next subject?" He asked, anxious a little.
    "Calculus." You said, closing and locking your locker.
    "Mine as well." He exclaimed.
    "Guess we're classmates." You said.

You and Peter walked together in the halls to your class. You and Peter were the only one's late. "Y/LN, Parker, your late." Mr. Will said. "Sorry." You muttered. "Anyways..." He continued while you disturbed the lesson. You and Peter gazed at each other, breathing heavily from the long walk that you and Peter did and slightly ran going to your class. You gave him a weak smile and turned back to the board and listen.

Peter took out a paper and wrote something and then he passed it to you.
"You bored" He wrote on the paper.
"Yeah" You wrote and passed it to him.
"Dinner with me after school at 8:45" He passed it to you.
"Sure where"
"Pizza Hut"
"See u"

You aren't even barely friends and then he asked you out so early. Time is faster than you think.

The bell rang for lunch. You took your bag and waited for Peter. You got out of the room and head to the cafeteria. You and Peter took your foods and sat the corner. Ned, Peter's best friend came in. "Hey Peter, I've been looking for you everywhere." Ned panted, his arms bracing against his knees. "Ned, this is Y/N, my friend." Peter gestured at you. Ned sat at the other side of the table. He took Peter's water and chugged it 'till the bottle was empty. Peter was about to retrieve his bottle but too late. You slightly laugh from the scene that happened. You bowed your hair and made a curtain not making obvious you're laughing. You continue to eat your food silently. "Hey, hey, hey...don't hide that laugh missy." Peter pointed at you in a bossy tone. You started laughing again. He lifted some of your hair, pinning them at your ear.
    At the corner of your eye, you saw Peter looking at you, astonished how beautiful you are. "Now where's that laugh missy." He said to you again in the same tone. You started laughing again. You punched Peter at the arm. "Peter, I'm eating." You said, your mouth filled with food. "Tsk, tsk, tsk...don't talk when your mouth is full." He said.

You were able to swallow your food before laughing out loud. "Peter! Stop, I can't eat my food!" You laughed. "You joker." You laughed again. "Excuse me, I'm not in DC." He said in a british tone. "Freak you Peter!" You exclaimed, still laughing. "May I excuse myself." Ned said, leaving the table.

We laughed and finally finished our food. The bell rang for the next period. "What's your next subject?" Peter asked.
    "Fine arts." You said.
    "Wait, really?" He stammered.  
    "Yeah, something wrong?" You said, tilting your head at him.
    "No, our classes are just the same." He said. You chuckled at him.

You walked to early to the classroom. You and Peter saw paints, canvas, and a statue at the back. You and Peter sat beside each other. You and Peter are still the only student in the room. "What are your plans in life?" You asked Peter.

" plans in life is being a great hero." He gulped.
    "What kind of hero?" You got curious.
    "Um...a normal hero, a police, helping fight crime and help other people." He lied.
    "'re a genius, I mean you are good being a scientist." You stammered.
    "Thanks, but I love fighting for what's right." He said.
"What's yours?" He asked.
"Guess - being a plain human in the crowd." You bowed your head.
"Nah...jk, my plans in life is being a hero too, but a superhero. But since I have no powers, I don't know what are my plans." You said. He felt so bad for you, you're a kind, funny, sweet, and a beautiful girl. He want to help you by being Spiderman, but he don't want blow his cover and let Mr. Stark know. "Hey Peter, are you okay?" You waved a hand in front of his face. "Yeah." He got back. "You were out cold for a moment." You said. The other students came in, talking, mumbling, and laughing.

    They stop 'till they saw you two. They started to whisper on each other. "What the hell are you guys whispering at?!" You stood up, angry of what are they doing. They stopped. Michelle and Ned were at the back, watching what was happening. "Okay students, calm your asses." Michelle got in between the crowd of students and you. "Y/N, are you okay?" Peter held your hand. You bowed your head and gazed at your hand on his. His stomach was full of butterflies, his heart beating fast, and his blood running hot. You calmly sat down beside him. "Shit!" You muttered.

"I'm so sorry Peter...I-I, t-they stared at u-us, a-and-" He cut you off by hugging you. He stroke your beautiful h/c, with the scent of your strawberry shampoo.

Peter stroked your hair to calm yourself. You blushed. You were so surprised that he held your hand and hugged you. "What was that for Peter?" You asked.

"Just to calm you down." He pulled away, holding your shoulders and gazing at you.

"Thanks." You pin your hair on your ear. He blushed. You turned around and saw Michelle and Ned behind you. Michelle gave you a smile and Ned waved at you.

Fine arts were not your type, but you were able to follow. "Crapy fine arts." You whispered at Peter's ear. He chuckled.

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