The Truth

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"Who is it?" Stark asked. "It's Parker." Peter entered the hall, but he didn't know that your mom is working with the Avengers. So he stood there, shocked from your presence.

You don't understand why is he here, in The Avengers tower.
    "Peter?!" You shrieked.
    "H-Hey, Y/N..." He stammered.
    "What are you doing here?" You asked.
    "So you two know each other?" Stark pointed his fingers to the both of you.
    "Yes...we're friends Tony." You scoffed.
    "What are you doing here?" You asked once more.
    "Oh...he's The Spider-Man." Tony leaned on his chair, putting up his feet and crossing the two of it, like a slacker.
    "What? Your Spider-Man and you didn't tell me," You muttered, "Peter, I thought we trusted each other but you kept your secret from me." You started crying.

    "Y/N, I'm-" You cut Peter off, "No, I'm not listening to you ever again." You stomped your feet against the marble floor, banging the door closed behind you.

    "Nice one Tony, you broke Y/N and Peter's trust from each other." Cap scoffed.
    "How am I supposed to know if he told her or not, so I just go with it." Tony slammed his palms against the table.
    "Tony, there are somethings that are never supposed to touch and talk about." Nat mocked Tony.
    Your mom followed you instead, leaving The Avengers with Peter.

    You ran inside your mother's office and cry. You sat on her couch.

    A knock occurred at the door. "Who is it?" You gasped for air.
    "Your mom Y/N..." Your mom entered the room and shut the door behind her.

    You gazed at your mom, with tears forming in your eyes.

She sat beside you and rubbed your back in circular motion.
    "Mom...I don't understand why Peter didn't tell me that he's Spider-Man." Your tears slipped down on your cheeks, causing your mom to wipe it.
    "He's just making a plan to tell you that he's the Spider-Man...I mean he's scared that if you know that he's the Spider-Man, you'll just get involve in many dangers..." Your mom said.
    "Y/N, just be happy for him and be proud for him. He took lots of effort trying to tell you and got some bruises for helping the city. But he lost his chances on telling you because Tony already said it." Your mom chuckled.
    You chuckled as well.

"Mom, you're right I should be happy and proud for him. I was just blind because of my anger and confusion." You laughed.
    "That's my girl. Now go talk to him." Your mom slapped your back.
    "Mom, you're the best." You kissed her cheek before standing up.
    "I know..." She scoffed.

    You ran out her office and ran towards the meeting hall.

    You entered the hall and then you saw Peter leaning against the wall, his arms folded and his brows pulled down.

    "Peter," You said your head bowed. "Y/N, I'm so sorry." He walked closer to you.

    When he was five feet away from you, you ran towards him, hugging him in full force.
    "Peter," You breathed heavily, "I'm so happy and proud of you." You gripped his body tighter.
    "Really? You're not mad are you?" He pulled you away, holding both of your shoulders.
    "No Peter, well yeah; just a while ago." You shrugged.
    "Aww...that's cute." Wanda said.

    You forgot that you were at The Avengers tower yet you still thought of Peter...

    "Peter, I love matter how deep the wounds are...I'm still here." You said.
"I love you too Y/N." Peter's lips touched against yours.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 ━━ ( P.PARKER )Where stories live. Discover now