The Winter Soldier

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I just want to say my bad, really, I thought everybody watched AIW already...What I said from the last chap was such a MAJOR SPOILER and I'm really, really, REALLY sorry.

The word hit you like a truck filled with ten tons of elephants. "H-HYDRA?" You stuttered. The organization is one of SHIELD's threat list and Avengers's enemy. You heard of it from Cap and your mom.

"How long was I been here? Asleep?" You asked. "Not long." He answered. "What's your name?" You asked, finally calming down. "The man on the bridge called me Bucky. And HYDRA called me the Winter Soldier." He said. "Bucky? Who was that man? I think he knew you very well." You said. "His name is Steve, Steven Grant Rogers...I think." He said. Your eyes widen of the name he spilled out. "Steve Rogers? He was frozen for seventy years. I went to the Smithsonian museum. And he saw you fall off a train. You died. But you're here in front of me, telling that you don't know your best friend is." You ranted. "I was brainwashed by HYDRA, I was able to recall some of my memories they erased." You looked at him, feeling pity for him. "Bucky, I'm going to get you out. I'll bring you to Steve." You said. "You can't escape HYDRA. They're too powerful." Bucky exclaimed. "Bucky, my mom will be worried about me, and you're captive here in HYDRA, doing their dirty works. I can help you." You said. You prayed that Peter would soon get you out of this hell hole. Bucky looked up at you with his piercing icy blue eyes. You saw a glint of light on his left arm. You finally saw it that his left arm was replaced with a metal one. "What happened to your arm." You said as calmly as possible. "My arm broke when I fall off the train." He stood up.

He grabbed the lock with his metal hand and crushed the lock. He moved the iron door to the side and approached your cell. You stood a few feet away, just to avoid iron bolts flying in your face.

He held out a hand for you and you took it. His hand was cold but you were comfortable with it. Hydra guards started flooding the halls. He protected you with his metal arm as he started punching them and kicking them down.

Bucky got shot on his nonmetal arm. "Bucky!" You exclaimed. Pierce and a guy that looks familiar to you came. "Agent Y/L/N, what a surprise." Rumlow said. "I thought you were at SHIELD?" You exclaimed. "You don't know everything agent Y/L/N. I'm a double agent at HYDRA and SHIELD." Rumlow said. "Put them back in their cell, and make sure that it's guarded, and later on, we'll be testing the new duo." Pierce chuckled.


"Where's Y/N, Peter?" Your mom asked. "She was walking back home from my apartment but I told her I'm going with her, but she insisted not to." Peter stuttered. "Are you sure that she's not off to a friend's house?" She asked. "I am one hundred percent positive." Peter said. "Tony, any updates on Y/N?" Steve asked. "Not a single bit." Tony answered. "What are we going to do?" Natasha asked. "I'm trying to find her presence." Wanda said.

"Got it...but she's not alone."


You and Bucky had been sparring for hours and days now. Not to mention horrible things that HYDRA does to you and him. You became close with the assassin, having both of your backs and never leaving each other behind. "You gotta focus, Y/N." Bucky panted as his hands were in a defend mode. "What do you think was I doing?" You sighed as you kicked Bucky's side.

Then a buzz was heard in the training room. You and Bucky stopped and looked at the entrance. HYDRA guards filled in the room and took you.

They put you handcuffs and brought you to a room that is somehow filled with square holes on the walls, the ceiling and the floor. There was a long chain hanging off the ground. And two chains chained on the square holed floor.

They brought you in and chained you up in a kneeling position, still handcuffed that was chained behind you. The two chains were cuffed on your two feet. The long one was cuffed on your neck. You were like a dog to them, a toy and a rag doll. But you knew Bucky was watching from the other side of the black tinted window in front of you.

Then an electrocuting pain ran throughout your body. You screamed at the top of your lungs. Tears were trickling down on your cheeks, beads of sweat forming on your forehead and some sweats streaming down on the side of your face. You were shaking and your throat was stinging from the piercing scream you had brought out. You were sobbing in pain, anger, and sadness. They were torturing you like you had done something unpleasant to them that earned you such great punishment. The electrocuting torture was going on for hours now, you were tired and in pain, your body dancing with lightning in some parts. "Stop! She's just fifteen!" You heard Bucky yell in the room. "You want to go next, soldier?!" Rumlow yelled. But Bucky shook his head. He wanted to save you, he wouldn't let a damsel in distress would die just like that quickly.

Your mind flooded with thoughts if Peter is going to save you after this. You should've let him walked with you back home and now you're here, suffering from the hands of Hydra. Then the chains opened and you fall on your front.

Hydra guards came in and took you by the arms as they dragged you to your cell. They threw you in and Bucky was following behind.

As the guards walked away Bucky let himself in. "Hey, you okay?" He asked. You nodded. He sighed, sitting on the floor in front of you. "During missions, I will forget you. Because Hydra will wipe my memories away." Bucky said. You nodded. "Just promise me, you'll tell me everything you knew about what you said a while ago. Including Steve." You nodded.

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