Dinner with a side of Danger

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The bell rang for dismissal. You obviously waited for Peter. You and Peter walked to your lockers.

You opened your locker and stuff inside your books and notebook.

"So dinner tonight?" He asked you, making sure that you don't have any plans tonight. "Yes." You said. "Number?" Peter asked. "Are you serious?" You chuckled. "What if you need something, when you're in danger, who will you call?" Peter shrugged. "Fine." You said and you and Peter exchanged numbers.

You and Peter waved at each other before separating your ways.

You went down to an alley, a short cut going back home. Everything seems okay.

You got home safely. "Hey Y/N, how's school?" Your mother asked, in the living room watching the news. "An unknown red masked man saved a senior from a falling building. He is known to be the Spiderman." The news reporter said.

The corner of your lip slightly went up. You kissed your mother on the cheek and bolted to your room. You put down your bag on your bed and put out your phone. You called Peter. He picked up the phone after the second ring.
    "Hey Peter, I was just wandering, have you watched the news about the red masked man?" You asked.

But you didn't know that Peter was that red masked man or Spiderman, fighting all the villains here in the city. Peter blushed at what you said.

    "Yeah, isn't he awesome?" He said in enthusiasm. Peter smiled. He was on top of an apartment building, sitting down and seeing the sun set. It was a beautiful sight, he even wants you to sit there beside him.
    "Yeah, so awesome. I think I like him." You muttered, your face blushing. His smile got wider, his cheeks blushing. "Well, you better get prepared for our dinner." He said, swinging with his web on each building, causing you to hear wind sounds on your phone.
    "Peter, why is your surroundings are full of wind?" You asked.
    "Oh...it's just the strong wind coming inside my apartment." He lied.
    "That tells everything." You muttered.
    "So see you later Y/N." Peter ended the call.

You picked a black jacket and layered it with a red plain shirt. You took a navy blue jeans. And you wore Nike rubber shoes, and finally finished up with your hair, cascading down to your back.

Your phone rang suddenly, and it was Peter, calling you. "Yes Peter?" You asked.
"I'll pick you up." Peter said. "So you're done?" You said, running downstairs.
"Yeah, just going to pick you up, like a kind gentleman." He chuckled. You smiled.
"Yeah, see you." You ended the call.

Someone rang your doorbell. You bewildered to the door, hoping that it's Peter. You opened the door. It was Peter, wearing a grey closed jacket with a black jeans.
"Hey Y/N!" Peter waved at you.
"Hey Peter!" You exclaimed.
Then your mother came beside you. "Y/N, who's this?" Your mother asked, surprised that you have a guy asking you out.
"Mom, this is Peter Parker. The new exchange student in high school." You gestured at Peter, putting all your strength not to embarrass yourself in front of them. "Good evening, Mrs. M/LN." She and Peter shook hands. "Peter take care of my daughter." Your mother said, concerned. "Yes Mrs. M/LN." Peter said, slowly getting your hand.

"Bye mom!" You yelled before walking away with Peter.

You and Peter took a taxi together.

Peter payed the driver and you got out with him. You entered Pizza Hut, but Peter opened the door for you. Such a gentleman, you thought. "Thank you Peter." You said. You two were confronted by a woman in the uniform of the pizzeria. "Table for two." Peter said.
She beckon her arm at us and we followed. She put you at the corner, where you two could spend some time alone.

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