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Last month of April, I watched Infinity War, and hell it made me cry when Bucky started to fade, but Peter's was more sad...😭😭😭 I hate and love Marvel at the same time


One month later

You stood in front of your locker, waiting for Peter as usual. It's been a month after his first mission with the Avengers and his injury, he should be fine by now. You were starting to worry about him. And you had been part of SHIELD recently and part pf the Avengers. You had been going to missions lately, which your mom allowed you to.

Then to your surprise, you saw Pe—Oh, it's just Ned, panting from running to you. "Hey Ned, how's it going?" You slammed your locker closed and looked at him. "Great. Oh MJ wants to see you in the library." He said. "What for?" You asked as you slung your backpack over your shoulder. "I don't know, she just wants to talk to you." Ned rolled his eyes. "K fine." You said and headed towards the library.

"Hey MJ, you called?" You sat in front of her. "I know Peter is Spider-Man." MJ started. "Peter who?" You chuckled nervously. "Cut the lies Y/N, I know you know Peter is Spider-Man." You sighed. "How'd you know?" You asked. "Cause he stutters a lot and gets nervous whenever he leaves." MJ stated. "Okay, but don't tell anyway I mean ever. Don't tell cause he would kill me if everyone knows he's Spider-Man." You said. "Okay, well, it's nice talking to you. Now go cause I need privacy." MJ said. You rolled your eyes and bid goodbyes.


It's dismissal and you decided to visit Peter. "Ned, are you coming?" You asked impatiently. "Yeah, wait a minute." Ned exclaimed.

You arrived at his apartment, knocking on the door. It took a second till May answered the door. "Hey May, is Peter alright?" You entered as she opened the door wide. "Yeah, he's out doing some hero things but he'll be back in a minute." May said as she went back to the kitchen. "You two can wait in his room." May added. "Oh, okay." You and Ned entered his room. "So are you an Avenger?" Ned asked you. "Maybe?" You said. "What does it feels like hanging out with them?" Ned beamed. "Well, happy here happy there, they're sometimes a pain in the ass when they get too happy and jokey." You said. "But it still feels amazing right?" He asked. "Yeah." You smiled.

Then the window of Peter slid down. "Peter, you're finally back." You exclaimed and gave him a quick hug. "They're a lot of baddies in here." Peter sighed as he removed his Spider-Man suit. You blushed and faced to the window where he entered.

Your phone rang all of a sudden. You checked who was the caller. Tony Stark. "Shit." You mumbled. You picked it up. "Hey Tony, what's up?" You asked, looking at the two boys in the room. "Y/N, we have an important mission for you and Peter. You two have to find the man name The Vulture, he has all the alien weapon of the Chitouri and you and Peter are the only one who can help." Tony said before ending the call.

You sighed.

"What is it?" Peter asked. "Tony wants us to find The Vulture." You rolled your eyes. "The dude with big wings? I put a tracker on him." Peter said. "Guess you were a but ahead of me." You chuckled.


Night has fallen and it was starting to get late. Your mom is going to be worried sick about you. "Peter, I'm going home. It's starting to get late." You said. "I'm coming with you." Peter said. "Peter, I can go hime by myself, I'm a highly trained agent and an Avenger." You said. "But-" "Peter, I'm fine. You can stop worrying about me." You slung your backpack over your shoulder. You gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and waved at Ned before leaving his apartment.

You walked down the dark sidewalk as you were on your way back home from Peter's apartment. You heard many things in the night, trash bins being knocked over by stray cats, hearing footsteps that you would assume a mugger but only a passerby. You have a pistol though that was tucked on the back of your pants, you were always prepared for anything.

You then heard footsteps. You looked over your shoulder and saw a man with a coat, his lower part of his face snuggling deeper into his collar. Yes, it was pretty cold outside but you were getting used to it. You slowly took out your gun. But the man stopped your hand from getting it as he restrained you. Luckily, Natasha gave you a spare Black Widow Bites. You shot one on the man, causing him to be electrocuted. You stood up quickly and made a run for it.

Then a hand pulled you to an alleyway. You were slammed against a wall, hard. "You're coming with me sweetheart." The man said as more people emerged out of the shadows.

You kicked the man who was holding you by his crotch. He curled up. You kicked him down. Then you shot three disks on three men. Another man was charging towards you. You planted your hands on the floor as your right leg was placed behind his head and your left leg under his chin. You quickly spun him down and then punched him unconscious.

That was all of them.

Then you were plunged into darkness from a pain running through the back of your head.


You groaned from the pain that still remained on the back of your head. You sat up, seeing a shirtless man in a cell across yours. He has a wavy brunette hair that reaches on his shoulders. You came to the iron bars. "Hey, I'm Y/N, can you tell me what's going on?" You asked, panic lacing through your voice.

"Welcome to HYDRA."

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