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"Peter!" You yelled across the hall. "Y/N, what's wrong?" You came to Peter, your breath panting. "Spider-man saved me last night." Your words stutter from your breath. "Okay, take your time to breathe, I'm not going anywhere." Peter said.

You finally caught your breath. "Okay, so last night, I was walking back home. When I heard metal sounds in the distance, it was a truck rolling wildly. I thought I was gonna be gone for good, but Spider-man saved me. His hands were bleeding from the broken metals. So I healed him in my house. Then I kissed him." You blushed. "See, I told you, right time, right place." Peter threw his arm across your shoulder.

You saw a bandage on his hand. "Peter, what happened to your hand?" You asked, confused. He was slightly sweating. "Um...I was crafting a new invention." He stammered.
"What is the name of the invention you did?" You asked. "Um...the silence." He lied. "Oh...what does it do?" You asked, curious. "It's like a headphones, but when you put it on, you can't hear anything but still running some tests on it." He said.

Peter smirked at you. "What's with the smirk Parker?" You asked. "Just wondering if you want to go out again. You know all friends do." He scoffed. "Are you kidding me?" You folded your arms. "I saw a nice view to see the sunset." He muttered, luring you and gazing at you. "I do love seeing the sunset." You said, your thoughts scrambled. "Yeah, I'm going." You said. "But in one condition, you have to do my homework, later." You scoffed. "There's always a catch. I'd rather not." He said, annoyed. "Okay, I was hoping this is a start of something new." You muttered. "Are you kidding me-" You cut him off with a peck on the cheek. "Oh god, I'm regretting this." He sighed deeply. "Good thing you realize." You chuckled. You started running.

"You're so dead Y/N!" He yelled, starting to chase you. "Oh crap!" You muttered. You came across Ned and Michelle. "Y/N!" Peter yelled. You begged them. They nod but it was too late, Peter got a hold of your waist and hold you. "Peter!" You yelled.

"Let go of me!" You pushed his arms down but his too strong.

"I'll murder you at night, I'll find your home and stab you a million times." You said, in a scary tone. "Do you think you've gone too far about the murder thing?" He said.

"You think." You fired back. "Yes." He muttered in your ear. You slightly shivered. "Awww, you two are so gross to watch." Michelle said sarcastically. Ned nudge her arm. "What? Isn't it true?" She scoffed. "Yeah, so true." Ned said, rolling his eyes on her.

"Okay, true, you two are cute to watch." She confessed. Making you two blush. Peter still has a hold of you, you got free, when he wasn't concentrating. "Yes!" You yelled.

"Thanks so much Michelle." Peter muttered. "No prob." She said.

"So what's our next class?" You asked, your body pumped in adrenaline. "Physical Education." Ned said. "Just right for my pumped up body." You said.

The bell rang for the first period.

You and Michelle waved at Peter and Ned before entering the girls' lockers in the gym. You sighed. "Y/N, what's wrong?" Michelle asked, concerned. "I'm just-you know, a feeling..." You paused.

"You have a crush on Peter?" She sat beside you. You nodded. She patted your back gently.
"I know me and Peter are friends and all, but, he likes Liz." You stared at Liz. "You think after all those asking out thing...from Peter for you likes Liz?" She muttered.
"No..." You bowed your head.
"See...he doesn't like Liz, because he's a coward around her. But you, around him-he seems so calm around you, asking you out everyday, I mean it's still Tuesday. But Monday, you think it's the best night you ever had?" Michelle said.
"Yeah...I guess so." Is the only words you said.
"Good, now get dressed." She smacked your head.
The sound of the whistle occurred your ear and echoed the whole gym. "Hey Y/N!" Peter yelled. You ran towards him. "Are you ready for dodgeball?" You smirked. "Maybe?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"Dodgeball, girls vs. boys!" The coach yelled.

"I guess you're going down Parker." You smiled at him and gave him a pat on the back. "Good luck Y/N, watch out because I have skills." He yelled.

The boys were at the other side of the gym. The coach whistled, meaning the game has started.
It comes down to you and Peter. "Oh god." You panted, tired from all the dodging, throwing, and running. "You're really good at this." Peter muttered.
"Go Y/N, you can beat him!" Michelle yelled. "Oh god," You threw the ball hard. But Peter was able to dodge the ball. "Oh crap." You muttered. He got the ball and threw it to you. You were tired, which caused Peter to hit you. "Damn it." You muttered. "Good game Parker." The coach said.

You and the girls went back to the lockers and changed your clothes.

"Hey Y/N, good game!" Peter yelled across the gym.

"You were good back there." You patted Peter's back while walking to your next subject. "Thanks." He muttered.
It was dismissal. You and Peter walked home together. "See you later Y/N." Peter waved at you and ran to an alley.

That alley he ran to was where you walk back home. You walked silently and saw Peter's bag. It was covered in thick layers of spiderweb. You took his bag out with full force, causing you to hit the ground.
"Hey mom," You kissed your mother on the cheek, "I'm going out with Peter again, if you don't mind." You said. "Yeah...I like Peter, I think he's your type." Your mother teased you. "And I saw his bag in the alley a while ago." You lifted his bag and showed it to your mom. "What's his bag doing there?" You asked yourself. "Well, I better get back to work." Your mom gave you a final kiss goodbye before going to work.

You ran up to your room and threw your bag with Peter's. You were curious enough to look inside his bag, which caused you to saw his clothes in his bag. Your thoughts were flooded with curiosity, questions, and wonder what he is doing when his clothes were here in your very eyes.
It was quarter to five and you prepared yourself for the out or called as a "date" with Peter. You wore a blue shirt with floral prints on it. Matching with a black jeans with Vans off the Wall shoes.

The doorbell rang. You ran quickly, which caused you to slip a little. You open the door. It was obviously Peter. He wore a sweater, matched with a maroon pants. "Good afternoon Parker." You peck Peter on the cheek. "H-Hey Y/N." He slightly stammered.

You raised your hand with Peter's bag hanging on your hand. "Where did you find that?" He chuckled nervously. "Haha, funny Peter, how can someone forget where they put their bag in an alley?" You scoffed. He loudly groaned.

"Forget about it, let's just go okay," He said, "and after this, I promised you that I would do your homework." He pulled you.
You and Peter sat on an apartment where the sun is shown across the horizon. It was so beautiful. "Peter, I can't believe you saw this view." You muttered. "Just for the best girl ever." He gazed at you, enjoying the sunset and your beautiful face. You gazed at him, weakly smiling at him.

"I hope this would never end." He whispered. "Me too..." You said.

He leaned forward and kissed your forehead. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." He said.

You blushed from the wonderful words he said to you. "Thanks Peter." You held the back of his hand.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇 ━━ ( P.PARKER )Where stories live. Discover now