Bring your Daughter to Work Day

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(Uh...this chapter might be a topic of the Avengers, but Peter will be there. Holy cow I just spoiled it!!!!)

~Ten Months later~

"Ugh...why do I need to go with you mom?" You groaned in an annoying way. "Because, my boss told me to bring your daughter to work day." She spitted.
"What is your job anyways?" You scoffed.
"You really want to know?" She said, her arm - her hand against the marble counter, leaning her body against her still arm.
"Hmph...yeah...obviously." You said.
"Okay, I'm a high executive worker. Working for The Avengers." She whispered and scoffed.
"Holy shit..." You screamed.
"Y/N, language." Your mom pointed at you.
"Are you kidding me?!" You screamed in excitement. "Who's your boss anyway?" Your enthusiasm went down to curiosity.
"Tony Stark." Your mom quickly flashed the words. "Okay." You said the words slowly.

You prepared yourself for the event that is happening.

"Oh god, I'm so excited to see The Avengers." You muttered excitedly.

"Yeah, it's kinda the best job I'm having, and a bonus, they treat me like I'm part of their team." She giggled.

"Holy crap." You muttered before entering the passenger seat. "Yup..." Your mom entered the driver's seat.

"Good Afternoon Ms. M/LN, good to see you again." The girl in a long blonde hair said.

"Good Afternoon too, Grace." Your mom raised a hand.

You and your mom entered the glass elevator. You went to the top floor with her.

"Ahh...there she is, the mother of the pack," The blonde, muscular man clapped, "and who's this lil' beauty?" The blonde one said.
"Steve, this is my daughter, Y/N. Y/N, Steve Rogers or Captain America." She gestured at the man in front of her.
"The Captain America?" You said in enthusiasm and shock.
"Yup...the one and only." He put out a hand for you to shake.
"So moving on." Your mom said.

You and your mom walked to the gym, like your mom is giving you a tour.

You say a woman in a black catsuit, with another woman, but her clothes were normal. But you saw the woman with red light coming out of her hands.

"Hey Wand, hey Nat." Your mom waved at them. "Hey M/N." The girls named Wanda and Nat said or Natasha.

"Who's that girl behind you, she's beautiful." Wanda exclaimed.
"Oh, Wanda, Nat, this is my daughter, Y/N." She walked aside and showed you to them.
"Oh my god M/N, she's a beauty, let's tell Cap that she can go here anytime." Nat held your shoulders.
"Wait, really?!" You shrieked.
" know, girls night out with your mom, me, and Wanda." She said, excited from what she's saying.
"Okay, let's talk this later at the meeting hall." Your mom said, grabbing your arm.

You walked inside a lab with your mom.
"Hey Stark, how's the new suit your working on?" Your mom said cooly.
He turned to face you two, until he saw you.
"Just some few more weapons and should be-" he paused, shocked.
"Oh Tony, my daughter Y/N." She said.
"Good afternoon, welcome to The Avengers tower." Tony raised his arms and hands. "And I'm having a visitor." He winked.
You waved at him.

Then another man entered the lab. "Hey Tony, I was just wondering if you-" The man in a curly brown hair was shocked, jaws dropped.
"Hey Dr. Banner, nice to see you again." Your mom patted his shoulder.
"This is my daughter, Y/N, Y/N, the Hulk." Your mom patted his shoulder again.

You and your mom entered the training room. There you saw three man, one has a deep blonde-brown hair, shooting arrows in the targets, the other has a shoulder length dark brown hair with a metal arm on the right, punching a dummy, and the last one has a blonde hair with a tight suit, running so fast in obstacles that you can only see a line of the suit.
"Yo dudes," Your mom yelled for their attention, which caused them to miss what they're doing. The arrow missed the middle. The punch hit the wall. And the run hit from a wall,
"sorry for interrupting your business, but this is my daughter, Y/N, Y/N, meet Clint, Bucky, and Pietro." Clint was Hawk Eye. Bucky was the Winter Soldier. And Pietro was the Maximoff siblings.
"You didn't tell us that you have a daughter," Clint scoffed," she's so beautiful and can be like me." Clint complimented.
"Yup...she is good in being a soldier." Bucky folded his arms.
"No...she's good in being in the Maximoff siblings." Pietro sped up beside Bucky.
"She's not going to be one of you, she's just a normal girl." Your mom spitted.
"We'll talk this later in the meeting hall." She scoffed.

You walked to the kitchen, where you can smell a baking of lasagna.

"Vision, your overheating it!" You saw a man with a blonde, shoulder length hair. With a man look like a robot.
"Hey Thor, hey Vision. This is my daughter Y/N, Y/N, Thor and Vision." She gestured the two men.

"Hey." You said.

You and your mom entered her office and her office was so luxurious. "This is how you work?" You exclaimed.

"Yup..." She said.

She threw her bag on the long, soft, leathered sofa. She walked to her desk and pressed the small red button on the microphone. "Attention all Avengers, meeting in the hall, I repeat, meeting in the hall." She said.

You and your mom walked to the hall. There was a big brown door, closed.

Your mom pushed the big brown door, and there was The Avengers.

"Alright Avengers," Your mom sat on her chair, and there was an extra chair beside her.
You sat beside her.

"Alright y'all know my daughter Y/N, right?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am." They said.
"So, let's skip that and let's start the mission," She said, "okay, we have some HYDRA agents in Alaska, they hostage other people and do experiment them to make more HYDRA agents." Your mom slid to the middle a folder, full of information papers.

Cap took the folder and open the papers. "So-" Cap was cut off by a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Stark asked.

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