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four; FROWN

     jimin couldn't concentrate on his steps due to some certain brown headed boy who was staring at him, his every move. but could jimin complain? no, he can't. he was teaching dance and students were supposed to look at him, his body. jungkook knew that jimin's loss in concentration was his doing. he knew the redness on dancer's cheeks were not due to the dancing but him.

     as soon as the class finished, jungkook walks straight to the pink haired dance instructor and taps is shoulder.

     "huh?" jimin furrows as he looks at the tall guy.

     "uh hi," jungkook blurts, smiling idiotically.

     "yeah?" jimin asks, slightly irritated.

     "i just got a little confused during the last step. can you show that to me once again?"

     jimin sighs and nods. he stands in the required position, slightly tilted and hands curved in front of his chest. "copy," jimin tells.

     jungkook nods and tries to copy the boy. he thought he was doing fine but jimin didn't think so. "no," jimin whines a little and walks near jungkook. bending a little, jimin positions jungkook's knee carefully. then standing straight up, he touches jungkook's chin with his pointer finger and thumb and pushes it a little up.

     "that's right," jimin says. maybe jimin didn't realize but his face was too close to jungkook's and jungkook could feel his breath on him. and heck, he could easily get addicted to that strawberry breath.

     "it's too early for you to be standing this close to my face," jungkook says boldly, making jimin back instantly. jimin clears his throat, his cheeks all cherry.

     "i think i get it now," jungkook smiles. "thank you uh.."

     jimin frowns instantly. clever move, boy.

     "jimin," he deadpans.

     "yeah. so thank you jimin," jungkook brings up his hand. "i'm jungkook."

      jimin looks at the hand before unwantedly shaking it.

     "i'll see you tomorrow, jimin," jungkook smirks slightly before leaving.

     jimin look at the tall guy's back, a big, big frown on his face.

that strawberry aroma, that pretty
frown, you. that's enough

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