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     jimin adjusted his tie and looked at himself in the mirror. he looked alright. alright.

     he was never called good looking, handsome, beautiful or whatever good compliment there exists. he would never actually find someone who would like him for him.

     being a dancer, people did praise his body now and then. but those compliments were filthy. like that of what a stripper would get. and it was disrespectful for him. dancing was an art and he respected dance by all his heart. but did dance gave him that respect back?

     he wondered what happened to the phrase; you give respect, you take respect.

     sighing heavily jimin decides to go on his way to his friend's marriage. he wondered why people even get married. love never gives you the happiness that you actually deserve.

     he entered the church just in time when the couple took their oath. jimin doesn't believe in marriages but he was happy for his friend, jin and his new husband, namjoon none the less.

you need to learn to respect if you want to
be capable of loving someone

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