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     "what's the problem?" jin frowns folding his arms.

     "a lot of 'em," jimin says while switching the channels.

     "he seems to really like you."

     "i don't care, hyung. please stop it," jimin sighs, tired of jin's lecture.


     "hyung!" jimin presses making jin stop.

     jin stands up and heads to the door. but he stops to say something.  "don't be so mean. give a chance to the kid."

     jimin sighs and goes back to changing channels.


     jimin expected him to give up but here was jungkook dancing in his class.

     jungkook was sure to make jimin aware of his presence. those frequent winks and damn, those unnecessary body rolls made jimin pink.

     jimin wanted nothing to do with the kid and was waiting for him to give up, but was jungkook gonna give up? hell no.

i won't give up; the most beautiful things
are always most difficult to get

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