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twenty; NUMB

     jungkook was okay. he shouldn't be hurt because jimin was his nothing.

     but damn, he had fallen hard for nothing.

     he did his work at the cafe and indulged in honest studies as an effort to forget. but it was not easy. not at all.

     the picture of yoongi's hands on jimin, his lips and tongue telling him that jimin was his property.

     that picture was eating jungkook out and haunting him. jungkook was pissed though. like how can i get whipped so easily?

     sighing and trying to get rid of the thoughts, jungkook decided to take a stroll around.

     putting on his jacket, trousers and shoes, jungkook walks out. the night was cold and so was jungkook's heart.

     as the cold breeze hit his face, jungkook shivers and crosses his arms over his chest.

     even though chilly, the night felt good to him. the cold made him numb. but the numbness was went away when he realized that someone was behind him and.. following him.


numb feels good

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