
6.9K 551 101

forty-nine; UNDERSTAND

     "so you guys kissed huh?"

     jimin took a involuntary step forward but jungkook shook his head.

     "no need to explain babe."

     babe was such a sweet word and jimin was soft for nicknames but jungkook's babe was filled with disgust and venom.

     "i told you i need time." jimin still tries to place his points on the table. "it was something out of reflex, a habit. y'know i've been with him for so long. please just give me time to move on."

     jungkook looked away, sighed and looked at the boy nearly in tears. "i'm sorry, i understand. i shouldn't stick to ass and complain. i just wanted to check if you were okay so i came by. i'll.. i'll just head my way now." jungkook tilted his head before heading out.

     jimin stared at the empty space jungkook stood on and then back at yoongi.

     "go say a few words to him before he goes. he must've been hurt," yoongi said and pushed jimin to the door. jimin stares at him wide eyed and confused. "you owe him. now go talk to him and then we can complete our talking."

     jimin nodded before running behind jungkook. the taller male turned around with a frown when he heard rushed footsteps. jimin stops in front of him huffing.


     his words were slipped into the shorter's mouth as he pressed his lips to jungkook's. jimin pulls back after he felt jungkook's stiff body soften.

      "w-what was that?" jungkook breathed lowly. his voice so low and out of himself that he had to clear his throat.

    "i cannot explain or express why i kissed him. but please don't think that i'm using you. i'm not. he's my past that i want to forget and you're my future. you're something i'm waiting for, yearning for. so please," jimin took jungkook's hands between his, "understand me."

     a faint smile tugged at jungkook's lips as he nodded. "i get you."

understand; it's the first step towards a healthy bond

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