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thirty-seven; BEAUTY

      jimin was done with the day's work. stepping out of the cafe he took a deep breath in. the evening was chilly and little patches of white smoke left his mouth. he rubbed his hands together before shoving them to his jeans pocket.

     he did not want to go home yet. he still needed fresh air to breathe, so he went and sat on a park bench.

     and this gave him the time to think. was he happy with his life?

     he left college, left the job he loved and was stuck with whatever came his way. the only thing that he was slightly happy about was yoongi. he was with the boy he loved. but was their relationship the way he expected it to be?

     with a deep sigh, jimin looked up and saw a boy feeding birds. he was sitting on his toes as the birds came right to his hand to feed onto the seeds.

     he did not recognize the boy until he shrieked a little and rubbed his hand. a bird had bit him.

     jimin recognized his voice. and the voice reminded him of what taehyung had talked to him a few days back.

     giving a chance was a different thing but jimin sure knew that the boy was the definition of beauty.

     little did he knew that the boy thought the same for him. rather, he felt a lot more for him but jimin didn't know.

both had mutual feelings but the other didn't know

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