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fourteen; NOTHING

     jungkook was right and fuck jimin looked so beautiful. he was an walking angel.

     jimin was quick to find the man and he sat down in front of him. a smile came upon his face as he saw his cappuccino waiting. jungkook could see how much the boy loved it. it made jungkook smile.

     they talked and jungkook was trying his best to not look at them. he went back to his work and busied himself.

     a loud noise of chair screeching and jungkook's attention was at the table again. the other man was standing up and had a bad expression on him. his pointer finger towards jimin, the man said something to him.

     jungkook couldn't hear it but it was surely something stern and hurtful because jimin had tears running down his cheeks as he followed the man slightly to the door. but the man was angry and he slammed the cafe door at jimin's face.

     jimin crouched on the floor sobbing in first of everyone and jungkook couldn't see it. holding his heart and breath he went to him and hugged him.

     "don't cry," jungkook said as he wiped those tears with a piece of toilet paper he had with him.

     "yoongi hyung," jimin mumbles before sobbing more prominently. it teared jungkook apart. jimin loved the man called yoongi and he was nothing.


i'm nobody to you but now, you're very,
very important to me

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