Team Spongebob and More Team Sherlock

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"Guess what the 2nd team is called."

'Yep,Team Spongebob! Props to Kris!' 

Here are the "lucky" members of the fierce and loyal yellow sponge!

Team Spongebob




By the way, Tao will be a one-man show since his power is freezing time.

 "We will be taking different missions, but we'll meet up at S.M Entertainment tomorrow at dawn." Kris stated seriously.

"Say your goodbyes everyone! We shall seperate in 5 minutes" Kris stated.

I said goodbye to "Team Spongebob" but I needed to talk to one special person.

I walked to my favorite dongsaeng.

"Sehunnie, remember to brush your teeth every night, sleep early and listen to your hyungs."

"Ne, hyung." (eye smiles)

"Be safe always."

I kissed his smooth forehead and waved goodbye, as Team Sherlock disappeared into the night. 

Little did Team Sherlock know someone was following them.


"Who could've known taking care of Kai and Baekhyun, would be HARD."

Here we are now in my warehouse, that's actually a gym, with 4 bedrooms and 2 getaway cars and a huge library.

"WOW! Hyung its sooo big!" Baekhyun said, dumbfounded.

"Don't get me wrong it's half the size of my personal gym." I muttered.

"Okay soo what should we do?" Kai asked as he eyed my collection of Harry Potter Novels signed by the author herself.

"Hey, don't touch those! Those are limited-edition!" I told Kai as he was gonna touch my limited-edition crystal deers from Sehunnie.

"We're supposed to find the identity and the whereabouts of Kidnapper, but where are we gonna start?" Baekhyun whined as he sat down my plush white couches.

"Why don't we look in the internet for EXO haters? That might lead us somewhere." Kai said, plopping down beside Baekhyun.

"Why would they kidnap them?" "They must be crazy sasaengs for knowing our whereabouts." Baekhyun said facing at Kai.

"Plus it would be crazy if a plain person can kidnap an EXO member that has powers beyond their imagination." Baekhyun added.

"Hey Kai, didn't you see Kidnapper's face for a split second?" I asked, making sure my little crystal deers have no inch of dust.

"Yeah!? I think so hyung" said Kai.

"Why don't you draw it?" "Here (I used my power to get a piece of paper and a pencil) Draw Him." I said.

"Okay hyung". (Kai is scribbling furiously at the bond paper)

10 minutes passed by... 

"Done hyung here." Kai stated.

Kai gave the paper to me.

"Wait I think I've seen this person before."

"Let me see!" Baekhyun chimed in.

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