Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to EVERYBODY!!!!!

Hey guys! So here's a short recap of the boys' powers! Plus the ones I wrote in this books.

Luhan: telekinesis, mind control through his eyes

Chanyeol: fire

Suho: water

Chen: lightning or electricity? Then the ability to decipher any language and speak it

Xiumin: frost/snow

Sehun: air

D.O: earth

Kai: telepathy

Baekhyun: light

Lay: healing

Tao: stop time

~I am still including Kris in the story but I'm not mentioning his power yet since I will change it.


So right now, my UB has been changed! For about a year now, Luhan was my UB but now it's Mochi AKA Henry! But hey, Luhan will be my 2nd UB (if there is such a thing)


AND...... I am making a new book! It's still a fanfiction of EXO starring Suho and Lay. A typical love triangle. 

It ain't BOYXBOY... 


I'm just waiting for the cover to arrive then I'll update.

Thanks~ dear readers!

But before you go to the next chapter I would like to ask you "Are you excited for Red Velvet's debut?????" I AM! I really like Wendy! 




Something fell. Something heavy and big. And that something is on top of me, Chanyeol thought to himself.

Well, if it's not gonna get the hell off of me in 3 seconds, I'm gonna do something about that something and by that something I meant getting outta here but what should I do to that something that fell on top of me??

Chanyeol sometimes didn't know what to do. He was a really deep thinker but sometimes he didn't know what was going on sometimes. Like how he's slowly being crushed to death by that 'something' or how hungry and thirsty he was. He didn't even notice that that 'something' got up and was standing up and looking at him strangely.

That something poked Chanyeol's head really hard. That 'something' who was actually Xiumin (if you didn't know already) just poked his forehead to snap him out of his empty stare on the ground.

Chanyeol being Chanyeol looked up and smiled at the strange figure. He smiled so creepily that only the members of EXO knew what he was up to. 

And that was to suprise his mysterious 'something'.


Chanyeol is smiling that 'pedo' smile. And to be honest it was pretty funny at the same time cute. But Xiumin knew what he was up to and it wasn't cute or funny at all.

Chanyeol got up and dusted his pants. Towering over the scared Xiumin. 

"Happy Vitamin C!" Xiumin shouted the words that mean "Chanyeol it's me!"

Chanyeol looked confused until he rubbed his eyes. He was finally able to tell that the 'something' was in fact his Xiumin hyung.

"Xiumin hyung! Glad to see you here!" Chanyeol said.

Chanyeol proceeded hugged to him.

And Xiumin accepted his hug and got squished a little too hard by Chanyeol.

After their little reunion. They decided to get outta Chanyeol's cell. Using the little hole Xiumin crawled a little while ago.

Sadly, Chanyeol couldn't fit. 

Chanyeol was so depressed that he leaned on the metal steel bars of the cell. 

As soon as he leaned on the steel bars, Chanyeol fell with a sickening CRASH!! 

Xiumin ran to where Chanyeol fell. He was shocked when the smoke cleared.

Chanyeol was out of the cell. And the steel bars were still there. 




Chen slapped Suho's cheeks, trying to wake him up. Suho was unconscious. Cassandra is right beside him unharmed but unconscious.

Chen saw everything. He saw Suho after he shot Cassandra a ball of water, he saw Cassandra fainting. He saw how a little flame on top of her head was still able to spark after that impact. He saw how Suho's eyes were frantic. He saw Suho fall after the clash with Cassandra.

He sighed to himself wishing that Lay was here to heal him and Cassandra. 

He was all alone in this dark and dirty cell.

And Chen didn't like it one bit. 

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