Team Spongebob's Perspective

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"Everyone, we have two minutes left! Say your goodbyes now." 

I looked over to Luhan and Sehun saying goodbye to each other.

*Smirk* HunHan is my style.

"Hey Kris hyung, can I come with you, and Team Spongebob?" Tao asked me, using aegyo.

"Sure, Panda, we could use your help." I said cooly.

"Yay!" Tao shouted. Running to Sehun and Kai to tell them the good news.

I walked over to Team Spongebob+Panda (Sehun,Kyungsoo,Me and Kung Fu Panda Tao)

"Let's go now hyung!" Sehun exclaimed

"Chill, White Puppy!"

"C'mon, I know where to go!" Sehun shouted.

"And where is that Sehun-sshi?" Kyungsoo asked.

"We can borrow this place called, Angel 7, its Lulu hyung's private get-away-house." Sehun replied.

"Deer is rich, very rich." 

"Ya, let's go now before Kidnapper locates us!" Tao remarked.

We all piled onto Luhan's Hummer he gave us for our mission. I'm the driver since I'm the leader, and Tao rides shotgun.

"Okay, everyone, pay attention! Our mission is to find safe houses, train and gather information about handling our powers."

"Ne Laxy hyung!" Sehun and Tao said at once.

I looked over to Kyungsoo who hadn't spoken anything yet.

"Owl, what's wrong? (A/N Kris has pet names for everyone)

Owl looked at me and sighed.

"Hyung it's just.... I miss Master Lee Soo Man." Owl replied.

Everyone's faces darkened.

"Owl, we all know Master Soo Man is in a better place."

"I just miss our teacher--Owl sighed.

--I mean he was the one who trained us in becoming an idol, not to mention told us and trained us about our powers.." Owl replied softly.

I sighed. Yes, Owl was right Master Soo Man was our teacher, mentor, guru,counsellor ,pedagogue and the best, best friend you could ask for aside from Panda and the others.

"Don't worry Owl, I'm sure Master Lee Soo Man is looking out for us, up in the galaxy."

As I drove into the night I knew all of us were all thinking of Master Lee Soo Man and his "mysterious" death.

Master Lee Soo Man was the CEO of S.M Entertainment  before Kim Young Min. He was kind, smart and supportive to all the idols, trainees,and staff no matter what nationality. He was the greatest CEO ever. S.M was at the top of the music industries. Until he died. Apparently, his death was not a murder-- it was an act of suicide.  All of us were puzzled as to why.

"The late CEO Lee Soo Man attempted suicide and succeeded."   was flashed around all kinds of newspapers. 

During his funeral Suho and I were given 2 kinds of letters. One from the late CEO Lee Soo Man and a sealed-velvet envelope.


"Hey guys come here, I want you to see something." Suho and I said.

All the members walked to us, wondering what the fuss was about.

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