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Things between the two had managed to get more serious then usual. And not in the sense where either would find each other dating... but in a more emotional sense. They were having an infamous 'hard topic to talk about' conversation. It wasn't an idea hatched by either... but it was something that had just happened. Something, that probably came at the wrong time. Both of the young adults were on edge. Neither expected what had just went down. And as usual... a talk about the serious event had to come up. It was just the way this type of thing worked.
"I can't believe you did that, Mar'i"
"Damian, shut up. I don't want to-"
"No. You shut up. I can't believe you would even consider yourself a hero after that. You can't just kill people whenever they upset you!"
"Oh, like you're one to be talking! You've taken more lives then I could count on my hands."
"Don't go there, Mar'i. We're talking about you and your mistake right now. I hope you realize what you've done."
His words stung. But she knew what she had done. She didn't mean to kill anyone. She didn't mean to upset Damian. It just... happened. Her emotions weren't under control. Which was admitably dangerous, but it had never gone this far before. Her eyes watered at this. She felt so guilty. Damian saw the crystalline droplets fall from her eyes. He had sympathy for her. Based on his own experience... he knew she would never forget the face of the man she had just killed. Mainly because he had never forgotten the faces of his own victims. Yet, even though she knew she would never forgive herself for this... he couldn't get over the fact that she had even committed the act in the first place.
"You know that I did this for you, Damian."
"-tt- What do you mean?"
"He was about to hurt you. He was readying his gun to shoot you while you were fighting someone off and I-I needed to do something so I starbolted him and I didn't realize I was th-"
"Mar'i, shut up. I know what happened. "
"Apparently you don't!"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
"You would've died a-and been hurt fatally if I didn't do what I did."
"Don't 'Mar'i' me. I-I don't need to hear this from you anymore. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. Goodnight, Damian."
Damian stood there in silence as he watched the alien girl find her way out of the daycare and up to her room. He wasn't sure what to do at this point. But, the young Wayne just so happened to be incredibly talented in the art of coming up with a plan quickly.
Mar'i headed up to her room, grabbed her oversized Gotham Knights sleep shirt as well as a pair of underwear, and quickly ridded herself of the Kevlar-Nomex leotard she was wearing. In the shower, she had attempted to wash away all her feelings of guilt along with the dirt and dried blood that decorated her body. After a good twenty minutes under the hot water, she emerged from the shower and stayed in the bathroom only to brush out and dry her hair. She put on her pajamas and made her way into her room, surprised to see the young robin sitting on her bed. She watched as Damian glanced up from his lap and at her, a rather unamused look decorating his features.
"Mar'i, I would like to-"
"I swear to X'hal Damian, if you're going to try and make me feel like crap again, because I already feel terrible, get out an-"
"Hush. I came to... comfort you... and possibly talk to you about tonight."
This silenced Mar'i. She wasn't sure how to respond, so she just sat besides him. He cautiously wrapped an arm around her and she just broke down then and there. Delicate tears fell down her cheeks as he wrapped a second arm around her. She climbed into his arms and continued to cry as he leaned back against her head board, supportively rubbing her back as he held her.
"I-I don't like k-killing people" she mumbled weakly as his grip tightened on her the slightest bit. Sure, he was still mad with her. He was still mad at what happened. But seeing her like this... it almost hurt him. He knew she was only trying to protect him. He knew she couldn't handle the topic of death well at all. He had chose to ignore that not even an hour ago. But now, he saw how much this was hurting her. He felt sympathy.
"I know you don't."
" I d-don't like killing, Dami. It hurts. I-I feel sick"
"I know, Mar'i. We just... have to try harder to control your powers is all."
"But Dami... what if I can't?"
"You will. You're capable, Mar'i. You'll be just fine."
"But what if it happens again? Even if I try to control my powers?"
"Then... I'll be here you. And I won't get mad next time. I'll... understand."
She just nodded and stayed in his lap, her grip tightening slightly while he smoothed back her long jet black hair. Neither were sure how they ended up like this. They were in a calm state, enjoying each other's presence after what could've been considered a life changing event. They remained like this for the rest of the night, though of course, their position had changed so Damian's arms were snaked around her waist and his head pressed against her chest. Though, at about 7:30 in the morning, they had awoken to a chuckling Tim, who just had to take a picture of the duo in the compromising position. This both infuriated and made Damian quite flustered. Mar'i was just embarrassed to find Damian's face so comfortably nestled against her chest. But either way... Neither really minded. That was, until Dick found out about both Mar'i killing and the duo waking up in a somewhat suggestive position. Then, as Damian put it 'all hell broke loose'.

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