Keep Me Warm?

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// I hope you all enjoy this one! 💕

Meetings with the titans. They were always in the living room of titans tower with at least a member missing and a spread of various fruits and veggies as well as other tasty snacks. Though, today was a bit different. The heroes of tomorrow had gathered in one of the many empty rooms after school at Wayne Manor. It was raining, everyone was tired, pretty cold, and not to mention sore from fighting non stop for the past week. They would have discussed things back at their closest base, yet, it was a bit damaged due to a fight that occurred between Mar'i and her father. So... the teens and young adults passed around bags of chips, cookies and really any other junk food Irey had in her backpack at the manor, instead. Snacks were mandatory for these meetings, as the original Kid Flash had made clear oh so many times before.
So, as usual, the group sat around discussing bugs in their technology, recent crime sprees, any ideas to enhance the team, etc. Though, today there was an issue with discussing those things. They had nothing to discuss. All the things that they'd usually talk about didn't need to be talked about. They had already been talked about in previous conversations when an event such as technology issue or major crime patterns had actually happened. So now, they were sitting bored. Truth or Dare was an eliminated option, and bored games, and any game that required actually getting up and moving too much. So, the next best option was to create what Jon considered the best way to show affection, even though Damian majorly disagreed with that statement. But then again, Jon didn't have an incredibly passionate and attractive alien girlfriend trying to give him kisses every second on the day.
The group scooted closer to each other, everyone finding a way to connect with the other as the quiet pitter-patter of rain falling from outside created a soothing background noise for the group.
Lian and Irey clung to each other, leaning up against the wall as Jai found his head in Lian's lap. From there on, Irey and Lian leaned against Ceridian as Jon allowed Jai to rest his legs in his lap as he snuggled between both Damian and Cerdian. Mar'i took her rightful place in Damian's lap as he held onto her and allowed Jon to hold his hand. And from there on, Irey had gotten up for a brief second to retrieve a blanket and throw it over the majority of their little cuddle cluster.
Finding the younger titans like this wasn't uncommon. They had all grown up doing this with each other. They were used to this type of affection from one another, and didn't treat it like anything more then that. Except for Damian. He was different. He didn't meet any of them until he was 13, which may have caused some awkwardness between him and others. Until it came to Mar'i, that is. She was his weakness. He had known her for even less time, yet somehow... he was the closest with her. He knew everything about her, and she everything about him. Well, almost, but when it came to the darkness that lurked inside the deepest corners of the demon's brain, he preferred for her to know.
     Damian caressed Mar'i's hair, watching from over her shoulder as the rest of their crime fighting squad slowly drifted to sleep. It wasn't until about fifteen minutes later until Damian was sure everyone was sleeping, snores and all to confirm. He stood up with Mar'i in his arms, convinced she was asleep as he pulled her towards the outdated couch that sat by the nearest window. He thought a power nap and a bit of filtered light would do her well. As he laid her down and moved to sit besides her, she whined. He raised a brow with confusion. He didn't realize she was conscious. She turned uncomfortably, sitting up from her former resting position.
"Habibti, go back to sleep."
"Dami, I'm coooold."
"Mar'i, your body temperature is at least ten degrees higher then mine. How the hell are you cold right now?"
"I want cuddles. Give me love because I'm needyyyy"
"God. Mar'i, you sound like you're intoxicated. Go back to sleep."
"But Daaaammmmiiiii"
      Even while she was in this insane state of exhaustion from lack of sleep, he still couldn't say no to her. A deep sigh parted from his lips as he carefully maneuvered around her, skillfully pulling her against himself and into his arms. She made a low purr of contentment as she tangled her limbs with his. He rested his head on hers, quietly thinking to himself as he usually did when they took this position. But alas, Mar'i's hands drifting into his hair had thrown him off guard. He loved it when she did that.
"I got the demon to stop being all grumpyyyy~"
"Mar'i, please be quite."
"Not unless you give me super ultra cuddles"
"Mar'i, we're already as tangled as-"
"I'm cold. When I'm cold I'll stop playing with your hair."
"-tt-. Fine"
     He trapped her under his person,acting almost as if he was a human blanket. He didn't understand why she kept saying she was cold. Maybe it was an excuse of sorts... he really wasn't sure. Her arms snaked around his torso and clung to his body, going into what she called 'full koala mode'. As she purred lowly from content, he pressed a gentle kiss to her head and closed his eyes. It was actually pretty hard for him to not pass out at this moment. Maybe it was a mixture of exhaustion, her intoxicating smell, or warm body... but he just couldn't help but drift to sleep.
     When he woke a few hours later, he found that all the other titans had left. That is, except for his girlfriend who was still stuck to him like bark on a tree. A soft smile stretched across her lips as she glanced over at him, only to comb her hand through his now messy hair.
"Hey sleepy head"
"What... Habibti, what ti-"
"9:40. I told everyone to patrol with out us."
"Why did you-"
"You were so cute and content... I didn't wanna wake you."
"Were you warm?"
"Yes. Were you?"
"Mhm. Thanks for keeping me warm~"

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