Star Crossed, part two

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// just a reminder, this is based off Romeo and Juliet. Not exact to the story, and it is and au. So with that, please enjoy!! 💕💕💕💞💞💞

      With each of their hearts full to the brim, they dreamed of one another. Mar'i to herself, and Damian and bit more extravagantly. Unable to wait any longer, the star-struck teen bit his lip and exchanged a certain sort of look with his dear friend Jon. The young Kent opened his mouth to protest, but before he could alert the twins, Damian had leaped out of the back of the car and began running back towards the site of the party.
     Damian had ran no more then a few blocks to reach the apartment buildings and party decor. The Ferris wheel where the two had shared their first kiss was being towed away, and the big circus tents were being taken down. He continued to watch for a few moments, all before remembering his main goal. His eyes gazed towards the fire escape, where her met his newest challenge. Finding away up to the first level of the fire escape. Feeling braver then usual and on an adrenaline kick, he decided he could just scale the building until he reached the platform. From there on he could just climb the ladder to reach the level where his love rested.
     Damian took a deep breath and few steps back. Before he knew it he had jumped on top of a large trash bin, struggling to balance as he reached for a pipe that would bring him closer to his destination. He pulled himself up, rested on the bar for a moment, then managed to used the railing of the first platform to get back to standing on something solid. He then climbed the ladders to the top, peering into the window next to the fire escape. "Mar'i my dear..." he began to whisper, watching a shadow dance across the curtain in front of the window. "Though we don't even know each other, you are my sun. Vital to my life, providing me with warmth and joy. Please my dear, rise so I may see daylight from this night that has lasted for heartfelt like an eternity." Damian grinned, only to be caught by surprise by the image of her aunt in the window, as to the princess herself. Shocked, he hid underneath the window seals peering down at the platform below.
     "Damian... oh Damain, where in X'hal's name are you, Damain?" The young bat sat in amazement, her voice calling his name being the sweetest he's ever heard. She stepped out of her window and onto the fire escape, arms draped on the railing as she watched her party disappear. She sighed, combing a hand through her long hair. Damian just watched in awe. She was in her tamaranean form now, solid green eyes and all. She had also traded in her angel costume for a royal purple silk robe, and a creamy white satin lounge set. Seeing her like his almost took his breath away.
     "Why must you have Wayne as a last name? What is even the point of names? Things are things. I would still be me without my name, as would anyone else on here or tamaran. Stars would still being just as beautiful, even if they had an icky name." She sighed and huffed, kicking away a small screw that had fallen off the ladder railing. She paced the platform, almost seeming as if she was impatiently waiting for him. He smiled at her words, wondering whether or not he should speak up to let her know of his presence.
"Oh X'hal, oh no... I think I'm in love. This is horrid. I'm not supposed to be in love with a stranger, must less someone I'm forbidden from speaking to. I don't want to be in love, but here I am. Being in love. My powers out of control because of it too. Ugh." She sat on her open window sill, her focus now on her lap, Damian saw this as his time to speak.
    "I was unaware you were tamaranean." He spoke into the night as he climbed down the ladder, causing Mar'i to strike up a few starbolts out of surprise.
"How long have you been listening?" She asked cautiously, bright magenta orbs disappearing from her gentle hands.
"Long enough."
"So you heard-"
"That's not important. Is your mother Starfire by any chance?"
"I, uh- she... was... Starfire. She died when I was- w-wait, why are you asking?"
"You have her eyes, her figure... you look just like her. I was trying to figure out why you had looked so familiar."
"I also model. That could be yet another option."
"I'm a Wayne, in case you've forgotten... I'm not really allowed to involve myself with such things involving you or your family."
"Ugh... don't remind me. If only you had a different name."
     "I would change my name for you." This caught Mar'i's attention. Her eyes met his yet again, a look of wonder appearing on her delicate face. Damian took a step closer to her, then moved to sit on the opposite side of the window with her. She offered him a soft smile, then gazed down at her lap.
"You flatter me. But... I could never ask you to do that. Your family would be kinda ashamed, wouldn't they?"
"I suppose. But I do it out of love."
"Love... we barely know each other! I mean, I'm not saying I don't love you too... but... I-I- what am I saying?"
"You're maybe saying you love me too?"
"I'm not! And I'm not returning an 'i love you' unless I know you love me."
"Love brought me here. I came here for you"
"How could you have-"
     Before she could continue, his lips were on hers. They were quickly wrapped in each other's arms, involved in some sort of make out session before Damian pulled away from her. Mar'i bit the corner of her lip and focused on his chest for a moment.
"Okay Damian... say you did love me... a lot. How willing would you be to oh, I don't know... put an end to all this teasing and be my boyfriend now?"
"I'd be very willing."
"Then it's settled... can we meet tomorrow to discuss it further? Maybe even talk about living together?"
"How about 10 in the morning?"
"No, too late."
"Then 9 it is. I'll meet you to discuss this tomorrow in the Gotham Botanical Gardens?"
"Sounds like a plan. Ill be counting the moments until my lips can meet yours again~"
"Well... you may not have to wait l-"
      "MAR'I!" A loud voice called from with in, one that Mar'i could immediately attach to her aunt. She pouted and slid back into her window from her former sitting spot. She then raised a hand to rest of Damian's cheek, and kissed him softly. She then pushed him off her window as soon as she heard footsteps approaching. "Until tomorrow, Dami. Ill be counting the moments." She hummed as she gazed out the window, watching him leave.
      "I've already started counting." He whispered to himself, eyes still focused on her as her descended down the large array of ladders. His cheek still tingled with the warmth from her soft hands. He didn't think he would ever forget it .
       As the young knight left, Mar'i was confronted with the threat of her aunt figuring out who was there. Stephanie entered her room. Mar'i was quick to slam her window shut, close her robe, and grin to the blonde who's gaze met her s from across the room.
"Hey Mar..."
"Hi aunt Steph!"
"Uh-huh... what's with the nervous grin and the window slamming?"
"It got cold."
"You don't get cold. Where's Damian hiding?"
"Oh, he left didn't he? Makes sense, you guys wouldn't wanna get making out by me or your daddy, right?"
      Mar'i stood frozen, her golden cheeks tinted red as her gaze met the floor. Stephanie grinned and walked over to her niece, wrapping her up in a big hug. "Its okay. You two are young and in love. I get it. I won't tell ol' dickie bird."
"Okay... good. But how did you-"
"Just because your dad is a retired cop doesn't mean I am. I'm still quite the active detective, my dear."
"Go figure."
     Meanwhile, Damian had come to meet with someone that all knew and respected well. Both Waynes and Graysons looked up to him, and sought him out for guidance or help. It was Alfred Pennyworth, a former butler to both houses and one of the most experienced people through out the entire upper east coast. Damian quietly snuck into the home of the older man, containing his excitement from the former night's time.
"Ah, young Master Wayne. I see you haven't slept tonight."
"Perceptive as always, Pennyworth. "
"Were you perhaps in a fight? Now seeking my assistance to patch up whatever wound may beneath your 'armor' ?"
"No. I spent the night with a true beauty, a flower among weeds."
"Ah ha, you're were with Miss Maya?"
"No, no no no, I was with Grayson's daughter, Mar'i, I'm in love with her. In fact, her and I plan on meeting near here tomorrow to discuss maybe dating and moving in together and such."
"Master Damian, don't you believe you might just be loving with your eyes and not your mind? You've already moved on last Maya and onto yet another girl, and an enemy at that."
"Pennyworth, I know what I am speaking of. Which leads me to ask you this. Can you ensure that Mar'i and I's plans remain a secret?"
      Alfred simply rolled his eyes and stood from his seat to go prepare some tea for him and the young man.  Alfred knew better then to believe anything Damian said, especially when it came to emotions, but... the idea seemed somewhat sweet. ' and maybe their love will finally bring peace to the two feuding families ' he thought to himself, a sly smile spreading across his aged features.
"That I can."
"Excellent. I shall meet you again today after our date to discuss Mar'i and I's date. Thank you, Pennyworth."
"Of course, Master Damian."
      And with that, Damian was off to meet his friends before his big first date with whom he believed to be the love of his life. While he did that, his friends discussed the public announcement of Jason Todd wanting to duel Damian. They all new it was trouble, seeing as how Jason truly wasn't a forced to be reckoned with. He was known for being extremely cutthroat, and unafraid to look death in the eyes. And now... this feared fighter wanted to battle the young Wayne. His friend knew the moment they saw him that he was unaware of this challenge, and had decided not to bring it up. So, Damian met with his friends at a cafe outside the local botanical gardens, a large grin fit to his boyish face and a fresh set of clothes on his body. He approached his small group of immature friends, a bit more pep in his step then usual. He sat next to Jon, who was smirking just the slightest bit.
"Something has you happy. Does it have anything to do with you abandoning us last night."
"Perhaps. You'll have to guess."
"Was it Maya?"
"Another lady?"
"My lips will remain sealed, Kent. I don't intend on telling anyone in our group the reason for my joy anytime soon."
      "Aaaand that's the Damian we all know." Jai bit back playfully, punching his friend lightly in the arm. Damian nudged him back, and they continued to go back and forth like that, until they had both ended up wrestling each other to the point where Jon was cackling while trying to split them up. Then, almost out of nowhere,  a light haired woman stood stepped out of the driver's seat of a black car and stared at the group of boys. Her eyes were cold and she looked like she meant business. It was Stephanie Brown. Mar'i's aunt and a skilled detective, not to mention extremely loyal to the Grayson side of things. She looked Damian right in the eyes, almost as if to say ' get your ass over here '  with out saying a single word. Jon pushed him towards her, then walked off. Now Damian just stood nervously in her presence.
"Mar'i told me about your little plan."
"Though I'm not so sure how I feel about Mar'i and You together... I trust my niece. And I trust that you'll treat her right. Because if you don't, there will be consequences. Some worse then a face to face with some of the worse criminals of Gotham. Understood."
     "-tt-, I understand." Damian's look was just as cold, and his stare more intense, but somehow he still managed to show he understood what she said and heard her out. This caused Stephanie to smile the slightest bit, look back, then step to the side and gesture to the car behind her. "Then she's all yours. And... I promise I won't tell Dick about this. God knows what he'd do if he found out you both were dating."
     Mar'i emerged from the passenger seat of the car in a short white sundress and sunhat, with according accessories to follow. Damian's friends hawked along with Damian himself, and watched as she approached him. She kissed him on the cheek, linked arms with him, and walked towards the entrance to the gardens along with her beloved. Alfred emerged from around the corner, and met with Stephanie. Together, they followed to two into the gardens to ensure no funny business went down, and to make sure no other Waynes or Graysons found out. Meanwhile, Damian's group of friends got progressively more interested. Has their friend fallen head over heals for his mortal enemy's daughter?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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