Star Crossed, part one.

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     // hey guys!!! Who's ready for a longer then usual Romeo and Juliet au 👀👀 ( set in modern times and modern english, that is )

       A young man sat sulking in an abandoned diner, memories of his recent break up haunting his every thought. 'Maya'. Her named echoed through his head, triggering the loudest of sighs. He stood from him former sitting position, only to go sulk some more, but this time while leaning against a wall where a beat up juke box sat. "Oh, Maya... if only you had truly loved me." he groaned, longingly watching the city and all the passing cars.
      "Still depressed?" Called a familiar voice, that of a friend that had quickly became a brother figure to the young heir of Wayne Enterprises. It was the voice of Jon Kent, known to be not just the peacemaker of most situations, but one of the only people that could actually get through to Damian in times like this. "Perhaps you should just answer for me."
"Stop moping, coz.
"I cannot stop... not as long as I know my beloved no longer loves me."
"Who's to say she no longer loves you?"
"She is."
    "Maybe you just need to be struck with cupid's arrow once more?" Jon replied with a bit of a goofy grin, mimicking the stance of an archer as he spoke. This just made Damian roll his eyes and drag his hand across his face, mainly to signify he wasn't amused. Jon merely shrugged off the reaction and crossed his arms over his chest, carefully watching as his friend parted his lips as if he were about to speak.
"Cupid's arrow missed, Jon. Or perhaps it barely grazed the two of us... making our love seen real until it comes down what real love is. She was beautiful, and witty. So stunning you could be satisfied with looking at nothing else but her for the rest of your life... but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Her purity was so precious to her that not even a sinner such as myself could seduce her into loving me."
"Was she just that determined to keep her chastity?"
"I'd be blatantly lying if I answered 'no'."
     Jon merely nodded in response, biting the corner of his bottom lip in thought. He knew what he wanted to say, he just needed a way to say it without being threatened by a weapon of sorts. "Perhaps... but have you ever considered other beauties? Gotham is notorious for fair maidens and seductive sirens."
"I do not crave a seductive siren... I'm beginning to believe I crave no more love at all."
   Now it was Jon who was sighing. Despite being the caring soul he was, he didn't know how much more he could take of Damian's depressed proclaims of lost love. So, Jon stole Damian from the abandoned theater and took him for a walk down the most lively street in the city. A street decorated with clubs, bars, and prostitutes left and right. And being the classy gentlemen they were, the duo just had to go into a local pub to play a few games of pool and maybe get a drink or two. Little did the two know this particular pub wasn't very Wayne friendly.
     Here, a conversation not about lost love, but new love went on between two of the most well known faces in Gotham. Sitting at the bar across from the young members of Wayne Enterprises, was Dick Grayson and Colin Wilkes. The duo argued over the fate of Dick Grayson's daughter and her love life.
"Mister Grayson, with all do respect, all I'm saying is that many girls even younger then your beautiful daughter are engaged and in happy relationships!"
"Mar'i is her own woman, Colin. Not to mention... I'm not quite ready for this yet, either. You're a lovely young man, but I don't know if either of us are ready for a marriage anytime soon."
"Then maybe put in a good word for me, or something? I really do want to be with your daughter."
     Dick sighed, raising a colorful drink of some sort to his lips. "You know what? Sure. Her birthday is two days from now, and as to setting you both up... I'll let Mar'i decide. We'll throw a big party, and you can try to woo her over then, okay?" Colin nodded gleefully, whispered to the bar tender over the counter, and walked out of the pub. And as if out of nowhere, the bartender shouted "Tomorrow night! At the former sight of Haley's Circus near the home of Mr. Grayson , he will be having a costume party in honor of his daughter's 18th birthday!"
     The bartender then pointed to one of the men playing pool with Damian and Jon, then announced "you! Go tell Maya, Lian and Roy, the west twins- all the rest! Contact everyone Mr.Grayson has in his contact list!" The crowd cheered, the man nodded and ran off to go prepare invites for the additional guests. Damian was left limp after hearing the name of his ex, a mischievous idea coming to find. "Jon." Damian stated softly, walking away from the pool balls he was about to strike and to his friend. The two exchanged eye contact, then proceeded to walk out of the bar and back onto the street.
"Jonathan Kent, hear me now."
"What are you thinking, Damian?"
"I want to go to this party."
"How will we- why-"
"The west twins were mentioned. I know they had some relation to Grayson..."
"Yes, and?"
"You and I are friends with Jai. Jai can take us... He can take me to see my lost love."
"And yet another piece of the puzzle has been put into place... but honestly, I don't think I care. You'll have fun with or without seeing Maya."
     The young Mar'i Grayson sat in her room, watching over the workers her parents had hired as they set up an extravagant stage and designated areas for food and dancing. As excited as she was for her party, she also dreaded the thought of the upcoming celebration. Deep down she knew exactly why the party was being thrown. The grin on he step-mother and aunt's face when a certain bachelor's name had been mentioned made it all to obvious.
"Oh Maaaaaar'i~"
     The voice of her aunt, Stephanie, echoed through the halls as her and her step-mother barged into her room. "Barbara, Stephanie... is there something you need?" Barbara grinned as she adjusted her gypsy costume, or her oracle outfit as she liked to call it.
"As a matter of fact there is. I need to speak to you."
"This eccentric young bachelor that's going to be here tonight, he'll be dressed as a detective."
   An unamused expression washed over the face of the young 'princess'. She sighed, walked away from her window and to her vanity, only to grab a brush so she could start styling her hair for the party.
"Colin was it?"
"That would be him!" Cheered her aunt, a childish giggle following her statement.
"Colin would like to get to meet you tonight. He really is a great man, too. He's kind, gentle, and oh so very handsome. And Mar'i, my love, I'm not saying you should go against what your heart says... but... Maybe go on a date or two with him?"
"Just a suggestion. Now... you should get ready. Princesses in the real world don't get ready without the effort."
     Barbara smiled and left the room. Though Mar'i knew Barbara loved her as her own and was supportive after her biological mother died, their relationship had felt a bit forced. Stephanie had noticed Mar'i's somewhat solemn look, and offered her a gracious smile.
"Have a good night, Mar. Even better days will come after this."
     "How do we intend on getting in, again?" Jon asked, adjusting his leather jacket to better fit him. Jon was dressed as his famous older brother Kon, back when he was a the peak of his fame in the 90s. Damian merely rolled his eyes at the question and offered a glare to the floor.
     "I told you." Damian started, checking his reflection in a store window along the street they were waiting on. He was dressed as a knight, hoping it would appeal to his ex. He remembered how much she used to speak of fairytale knights in shining armor. "Jai has us covered. And speaking of--" just as he ended his statement, a flashy yellow convertible pulled up right on the curb on the sidewalk. Jai was dressed up as a marathon runner from the 70s, complete with sweatbands and all. His sister Irey was driving the car, she had dressed up as a piece of sushi.
     While Irey scanned the group of rag tag boys, Jai excitedly held out a very formal looking invitation. It was addressed to the West Twins 'and friends'. The very image of the invitation caused a smile to tug at Jon's lips as he hopped into the backseat of the car. Damian remained standing on the sidewalk, almost looking like he was second guessing his decision to go. "Well?" asked Jon, just waiting for Damian to come sit besides him.
"I had a dream last night."
"Nice. So did I. Get in the car?"
"No. It was a dream that seemed all too real. One that begged me not to go... one that made me feel like tonight will end in tragedy. "
     "Dreams are just dreams." Started Jai, fiddling around with the cardstock invitation in hand. "Dreams are a playing field for the lusty, the unusual, the sweet... and the terrifying. Dreams can tend to become realities, yet they rarely ever do. That, however, doesn't means dreams can't scare you half to death or leave you walking on air. Dreams-"
     "I think I get it, Jai." mumbled Damian, warily climbing into the backseat of the car as Irey slowly started to drive towards the site of the party.
     When the group arrived only minutes later, they were assaulted by colorful fireworks enchanting the sky, circus performers, lively music, and beautiful lights decorating as far as the eye could see. All the boys had jumped out of the car before Irey could even park, and ran towards the large circus tent that stood in the middle.
     In this tent was an extravagant second floor framing the center dance floor, a dramatic double staircase, a DJ, and a whole lot of costumed people weaving their way in and out of the space. Jai and Jon had already run off by the time Damian had taken the scene in. And before long, Damian himself was lost among the crowd trying to find his ex.
     During his search, he had come to realize that maybe trying to find his elusive lost love was hopeless. So he focused his attention on the dance floor, try I g to get in the mood to party. That's when he saw her. The most beautiful girl in the room. "I don't think I've ever seen true beauty until now..." He muttered to himself, his eyes fixated on the noirette in the elegant and flirty angel costume. As she drifted out of his sightlines, he dashed through the crowded dance floor, utterly determined to find her again. While weaving his way through the crowd, he found her once more. But she was dancing with another man. Slightly discouraged, Damian leaned up against a nearby support beam and watched her float across the floor, all while being lead by a man in a detective costume.
     When she spun out of the detective's arms, that's when she saw Damian. Their eyes locked, both now entranced by the other. As Mar'i moved with Colin, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Damian... it's almost as if they had cast a spell on one another. They were enchanted. As the dance ended and Mar'i's father took strange to speak, Damian couldn't help but take Mar'i's hand and pull her to him. Her pink painted lips curved into a smile as he sized her up and grinned.
"May I have the honor of being blessed by an angel?"
"You may have to pray in order to get an answer."
"Then perhaps my lips, two pleading pilgrims could do so?"
"I suppose that would do."
"Then oh beautiful saint, take the sins from my lips and turn me into a man of religion."
     With that final comment, they both leaned into each other, their lips gently touching for the briefest of moments. The two were in a pure form of bliss, happy to be in the arms of the other. As they both hesitantly pulled away from the other, a grin stretched upon the lips of Damian. This left Mar'i smirking.
"You truly are a sinner, fair knight."
"A sinner still? Dear saint, rid me of my sins yet again!"
     As they leaned towards each other once more, Colin's gaze, as well as that of Mar'i's step mother, fell on the love struck duo. Damian just so happened to be the only one to notice. He instinctively took the hand of his new found beloved and dragged her out of the tent as Colin and Barbara chased after the two. Damian swiftly led Mar'i into a ferris wheel cart, shut the door, and smirked as the duo lifted into the evening air.
     While they climbed all the way to the top, where the wheel had stopped, they passionately connected lips again. They haven't even known each other for an hour, and yet both felt like they couldn't live with out the other. They craved each other's touch, each other's kiss. Their seductively sweet moment continued as they descended down the ferris wheel, where Stephanie patiently awaited her niece along with Jai and Jon.
    Stephanie was quick to pull Mar'i away once she unloaded the cart. The two girls met with Mar'i's father, who just so happened to be clueless about what had just happened. As Mar'i, Stephanie, and Dick walked back to the main party tent, Damian stood there in shock. "Sorry you had to find out about Mar'i this way..." Mumbled Jon, slowly starting to drag his star struck friend away from his former spot.
      "Mar'i... Mar'i... she's a Grayson." His lips stung as the words rolled off his tongue. Her name felt so sweet yet the words to follow burnt like strong alcohol. He bit the inside of his cheek, as he was led out the main entrance and back to Irey's car. While Jon and Jai loaded their friend back into the car, Damian sat up from his seat and looked back, only to find his princess standing on the highest level of the fire escape of the apartment building right against the party site. Her eyes looked longing and her fake angel wings were downcast. She truly did look like an angel. Mar'i gripped at her chest, watching as the bright yellow car pulled away from her party.
      Damian then stood from his former spot in his car, and shouted to her. "We will meet again, at the very fire escape you stand on now!" Jon pulled his friend back to a sitting position as the car started to go even faster. Mar'i sat on the railing of the fire escape, still gripping at her chest. She knew not of what he said, but she knew they would meet again later that night. "I can't believe it..." she mumbled to herself, her head still dizzy from the night's events. "My only love sprung from my only hate."
      While the princess watched from above, a shadowy figure dressed as the devil himself stood watching. It was Jason Todd, an aggressive soul who couldn't stand the Waynes, and anyone related. He loved his niece dearly, and he knew who had called for her. He knew who had swept her off of her feet. He was offered by the very though of Damian, son of Bruce Wayne, wooing his precious niece. He wouldn't have it. "Killing this boy would not be a sin. Shall he go as far as to even show up at a Grayson's event ever again... He will face his demise."

// gahhhhhh, this is so much longer then intended! Thanks for reading all the way through, I really hope you liked it!!! 💕💕💕💕💕

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