The Dreaded Game

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It was a rainy Saturday at the Titan's base. There was no action. Lian had a broken arm and quite literally everyone on the premises was incredibly bored. Every game had been played at this point, too. Everything from Twister to Sorry to anything and everything in between. So, as fate would have it, someone just had to bring up the infamous game known as truth or dare. And despite the fact that everyone protested against it, everyone still played. They sat against and around the couch as the pigtail clad speedster decided to start the game.
"Alright ladies and nerds, let's start this game off. Lian! Truth or dare?"
And with that comment, embarrassing stories and questionable dares were issued by the group of young adults and teens. At one point Lian made out with Cerdian. At another, Jai confessed to trying on Irey's make up a couple times, and possibly the best response of all was when Colin openly admitted to wanting to be Damian's sidekick for the first year of their friendship. And the game continued, for at least an hour before things started getting even juicier.
"Okay princess, no one has asked you a single question this entire game. So... answer this. Truth or dare?"
Mar'i rolled her eyes at Cerdian's question and adjusted herself to lean back against the couch.
"I dare you to take off your shirt."
"No!" Jon protested, a faint blush now apparent on his cheeks. As Mar'i's hands drifted to the bottom of her shirt
"For the sake of our sanity please don't. Half the team will be up all night with that image stuck in our heads and driving us crazy... so please... something else."
"Fine. I dare you... to tell the team what you and Mister Demon Brat over here were doing last night."
"What? We weren't doing anything."
"People don't use capes as privacy walls when they're leaning over a hot chick because they were doing nothing."
"We were... conversating."
"Is that why your arms were wrapped around his neck?"
"I was... well, if you simply must know I was telling him a secret."
This caused a mixture of eye rolls and pitiful laughs. She wasn't exactly the best liar. Especially since they all new her too well. They could tell when she was lying. This caused an annoyed tint to blossom over her cheeks.
"That answers our question, Mar'i made out with the demon!"
"-tt- what makes you think I'd want to do such... things... with her?"
"I don't know. The body. The personality. The fact that you guys have been dating for like... three months"
"Oh my fucking X'hal, Lian!"
This got Lian a slap on the thigh. Jon and Colin gasped, Milagro and Cerdian broke out laughing, Jai looked sad with this notion all while Irey just hummed 'damian and mar'i sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g'. Damian stood up to leave, as Mar'i grabbed his hand to pull him back down besides her only for him to whisper-shout.
"Mar'i, why the hell did you tell Harper's pathetic spawn?"
"She's my best friend, you idiot! I have to tell! It's an earth girl thing!"
"Who told you that?!"
"She did!"
A deep, annoyed sigh could be heard parting from the young bat's mouth as Colin decided to interrupt the couple and ask the question everyone but Lian was thinking.
"Why didn't you guys tell us?"
"-tt- We wanted to keep it a secret."
"Don't you two trust us?"
"Of course we do! Just... nobody was supposed to know until both of us were ready to tell. It's not easy to date with family who is literally known as the world's greatest detectives."
"Soo... what you're saying to to basically shut up about you two?"
"Yes. Though it would also be nice if we could go about our... actions... with out severe interruption."
Mar'i's cheeks tinted pink as Cerdian came to a bit of a realization.
"Damn, is that why Damian was-"
"Yes yes yes, that's why, now can we please move past this? Yes? Okay! Irey, you go!"
"Damian, truth or dare"
"-tt-, dare."
"I dare you to kiss Mar'i in front of all of us"
And with that comment the Robin stood up and left the room. A few people chuckled at this, a few rolled their eyes while Mar'i just groaned. The rest of the night wasn't going to be easy for the two lovers. Everyone knew this game was a bad idea. And now, with the constant teasing and the desire to actually see the two involved in some sort of romantic or vulgar action, the tower wasn't going to be the most pleasant place to be. Everyone knew this was a bad idea from the start.

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