Don't be Such a Sore Loser.

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      Laser tag. To any normal person, it was absolutely harmless. But when you added a ton of physically enhanced and competitive teens to the mix... it became nothing short of comically dangerous. There also would have been teams, but after deciding that the idea would make at least one team mad at the other for the next week, it was decided that maybe everyone for themselves was a better idea. The titans had a whole entire arena to themselves for three hours, on behalf of the owner that they had saved just the day before.
     And considering how most of the titans had powers, they had to come up with a very specific set of rules to prevent too much cheating. It was decided that flying and running was allowed to make the game more interesting. However, starbolts, lasers, water manipulation, and weaponry was forbidden. It was also decided that once in the arena with no one else around, that they would all show up their civvies to make the experience just the slightest bit better. After coming to this much needed agreement, the group suited up with all the gear according to the colors associated with them. Mar'i purple, Damian light red, Irey yellow, etc.
      The group was now at least two hours and a half into their game, already well into their final round of the game. Damian was in the lead, Mar'i was in a close second, and Ceridian was suffering miserably in last place. The clock was ticking until their time was up. Only 16 minutes and 32 seconds remained until their session was up, and they had to leave. Only after cashing in their points for prizes, of course.
     Mar'i was incredibly determined to win. And even though she loved her boyfriend dearly... She couldn't wait to beat his ass into the ground. Her score was currently 4,895... and his just so happened to be 5,000. If she could just surpass him by the right amount of points in the right amount of time, she could totally beat him. So she started to do her bidding. Preying on the weakest first, which just so happened Ceridian and Jai. She felt bad about it, but not bad enough as to apologize. Now... the star crossed lovers remained only five points away. Damian at 5,240 and Mar'i at 5,235. So, Mar'i took a shot at Lian and got herself rewarded with the needed points so that they were tied.
     As the five minute buzzer rang so obnoxiously loud, Mar'i was panicking. Sure, she could prey on easier people... but she wanted to make her victory extraordinary. She wanted to earn the final points for the game while beating him. Which was when she got an excellent idea, just a a bright beam of purple light from one of the many dancing spotlights in the black out room of ultra violet light and disco lasers made its way around the space. An elegant smirk spread across her lips as she looked up at the timer which now read four minutes and forty two seconds.
     Mar'i made her way to Damian's hiding spot, one which just so happened to be in a corner secluded from the rest of the team. As she made sure everyone else was fighting on the opposite side of her and the robin, she strutted her way over to him, flashing lights complimenting her figure in everyway possible... which was something that Damian just so happened to notice. As she made her way closer to him, she bit her lip the slightest bit, trying to get his attention further. He kept his weapon close to him, just in case she tried to shoot. She neared even closer to him, her hand reaching up to catch his chin as her parted lips connected with his. He was thrown off guard to say the least, but nevertheless kissed back with the same amount of passion that she showed him. The lovers stayed like this for the next few minutes, Damian's hands drifting all across her body as her hands stayed on his waist- and by her gun.
     The last minute of the game was now going on, the loud timer beeping every time a second past. This is where Mar'i decided it'd be great to graze her tongue over his, distracting him even further from the current objective of the game. And as the ten second count down started, she pulled the trigger of her gun and took several steps away from him as the timer wailed to signify that the game was over. Lian and Irey screamed with joy while laughing as Damian stood there in shock, trying to process what had just happened. Did she just... kiss him to get the final point? Did she just win the game because of his damned hormones? Yes. Yes she did.
     "I GOT IT ON VIDEO" Irey hollered as she proudly held up her phone, every present titan gathering around her to watch. And there it was. Mar'i cornering Damian, Irey whispering to Lian 'oh my god I know what she's doing' as Mar'i proceeded to make with him, and then, in the final moment... the noise of her gun going off and his vest being shot. And then, to top it all off, Mar'i pulling away, turning around, and smirking devilishly as the two gingers screamed while Damian processed what had just happened.
"I cannot believe she just did that. How the hell did I not- how did she-"
"I'm smarter then I look, Dami."
"Curse your damn charm, appearance, and charisma. If it weren't for that, I would have-"
     She just smirked and rolled her eyes, pressing her tanned finger to his lips as he gave her a look that could only be matched by his father when dealing with the justice league and their nonsense on make Batman smile day. She flashed him and innocent grin as Irey posted the video to her private Instagram account with the caption 'dami just got owned by a princess'.
    Jai led the group towards the arcade attached to the laser tag arena, where they all cashed in their points for prizes. Mar'i felt a tad bit guilty, so she got a black cat body pillow that just so happened to look Damian's very own cat to make it up to him. She knew he wasn't a big fan of stuffed animals... but he did like cats and her. This made Damian roll his eyes and blush only the slightest bit. He got her a grey one to match, just because he knew she would like one too. She was a sucker for anything to do with cats or stuffed animals, and since he gave it to her... he knew she would cherish it forver. Irey got an entire bin of funsized skittles packets and a dress up tiara, Lian got a record player, Jai got around two pounds of gummy bears and a small bear, Ceridian got a medium sized stuffed dolphin and Jon got himself a kid's telescope set.
      And as the group left the area to head back home, Mar'i just had to whisper 'never forget the day you traded a kiss for victory above all, Habibi' into Damian's ear as she playfully nipped at it before walking off to go chat with Lian and Irey. Damian glared at the ground as his cheeks tinted pink. He was never going to hear the end of this.

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