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I keep wanting to change my name. My friend goes through the same struggles and he's settling in Laurence.

I now have two middle names because I really liked the name gene. I wanted to fit gene in somewhere but I like Daniel. So, two middle names

But I like other names like Xavier and I like Zane. I like Maximus and I like Mattias. I like Robin.I like adrien. I like Rory. I like Sasha. I like all these names.

I only named myself Daniel because I wasn't ready to come out but I wouldn't go buy my birth name a single day longer so I nicknamed myself Dan without telling anyone it was so I felt happier.

But it seemed I didn't need to tell because my friends jokingly called me Daniel and danny (the masculine spelling). I was so happy at being called Daniel because it was a completely boys name. So it stuck and I could still go as Dan.

But then I realised, hey, I still have a feminine middle name. So I went through a bunch of names. I sat there in my bed going over all the names I like. I sat there for an hour thinking I also thought about changing mh first name.

I talked to my friends and they brainstormed names with me. One of my friends was also thinking of a new name for themselves and stuck with aiden.

So I thought about it and thought of a book character and my pet cat and this, maximus.

I made it my middle name and it was all nice. And then someone told me I look like a gene. Someone else said it again.

I liked the name gene. Of course, the people that said I looked like a gene meant it as in jene (the feminine way) but still.

So I liked maximus and I liked gene. I remembered my brother. I remembered dumbledore. So I added it in and messed around with the order or the names.

And thus, Daniel Gene Maximus.

It might not be permanent because I might change my first name again but I adore my middle names.

So for now I'm Dan (as much as I prefer Daniel) and I'm quite happy. If I ever feel the need to change my first name, I don't doubt that it might happen, I will wrote it in here and my other diary.

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