Monthly Time with Marcus

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Your POV:

I'm home alone. 

Everyone's gone out but I decided to stay home so I could rehearse my lines for the audition with peace and quiet. My stomach has been hurting for a while so I thought it was no big deal but now it's really killing me. I throw my booklet on the kitchen counter and run to the bathroom.

I take my shorts off and curse out loud when I see the blood. Just fucking great. 

I started my period. 

I rummage through the bathroom cabinet for some pads but I don't find any. 


Then I remember that I keep a spare pad in my bag and I luckily find one, but its not for heavy flow. I get changed into a 1D onesie and take some period pain tablets.

Luckily my phone starts to ring and thank the lord that Alissa is calling now like she told me she would an hour ago. I pick up the phone without looking at the called ID.

"Thank god, Alissa. Can you please get me some pads? I ran out and I can't go out because my stomach is fucking killing me." 

Then a male voice replies. "This isn't Alissa, it's me, Marcus." 

Oh crap.

I freeze and just stand there cringing at myself. I don't openly talk about my period to guys, especially my boyfriend, so this is just extremely awkward.

"Babe? are you okay? I can get,um, pads for you." Marcus says slowly and I can just tell by his voice that he was a little uncomfortable.

"No, Marcus. It's fine, leave it." I say, biting my lip to stop myself from groaning in pain out loud.

"No, I'll buy them for you. I mean, how hard could it be?" He insists and I decide to give in.

"Okay, thanks boo. Please get me 3 packs, 2 heavy flow and 1 medium flow with wings, okay?" I explain to him.

"Uh...okay.I'll be there soon. Bye babe." 

"Bye." I hang up and sigh, hoping that Marcus understood what I needed.

Marcus' POV:

I put my phone in my pocket and grab my smoothie off the table, while getting up.

"Lucas, I'm gonna go and get stuff for Y/n, she doesn't feel well so I'm going back home, okay?"

Lucas nods. "Shall I come with you?"

"Nah, I can take care of her myself." 

"Okay, bye bro."

"Bye." I say bye to Neels and Alex and head to the supermarket.

I walk in and grab a basket and find my way to the feminine products aisle. My jaw drops when I see the rows of endless types of pads. I gulp and read the labels.

Tampons. Scented pads. Winged pads.

There's so many, I can't possibly know which ones she needs. What do I do? I can't just call her back and ask her because I don't want to cause her any trouble so I decide to face time Alissa because I know she'll help me out. I mean, she's a girl so she has to know about these things, right?

Alissa picks up after a few rings.

"Hey Marcus!" She smiles widely.

"Hey Alissa." I laugh.

"What's up?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"I need your help." I switch the camera to show her the pads.

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