Truly, Madly, Deeply (Lucas)

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A/N: WAYHOOO!!! 35K READS AND 1.8K VOTES! THANK YOU :) (03/11/17)

"Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss..."

Your POV:

I pulled the key out of the ignition and sunk into the seat of my car a little. It's been a long day at work and I was extremely tired. Before I jumped out of the car, I took my black heels off of my aching feet.

I stepped out and let my now bare feet touch the cold, slightly damp grass. The smell of fresh air was delightful. This immediately made me better.

I walked along the path to my front door of the apartment I shared with 5 boys I loved dearly. I only knew Neels, Alex and Jake for about 2 years but I knew Lucas and Marcus for basically my whole life. I was the 'bestest' of best friends with Lucas.

I only dreamed I was more, but what reason would Lucas have to feel the same?

I sigh as that thought crosses my mind. I open the door and hang up my coat.

"Hello, baby girl!" Says Jake smugly, as he places his arm on my left shoulder.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Jak-" But I was cut off by Neels.

"How was your day, babe?" Questions Neels while placing his arm on my right shoulder. I found this very weird. And it was even weirder when I saw that both of them were in nothing but their shorts.

"Why are you guys in your shorts??" I ask, raising my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well..." Jake trails off.

"Welcome home, Y/n..." Marcus says maniacally. Alex was on his left and Lucas was on his right. They were all wearing shorts and that's when I noticed it. They were all carrying water guns. Jake's was red, Lucas' purple, Marcus' green, Alex's blue and Neels' orange.

My eyes widened and I took a step back. They all grinned back at me.

"Guys no..." I start.

"ATTACK!!" Shouts Lucas, Alex and Jake while running towards me and spraying me with their guns. I try to run but Neels and Marcus hold me back.

"No guys!! Ahaha! Stop!" I laugh. I closed my eyes and felt muscular arms throw me over their shoulder. I open my eyes to find that it was Neels.

"Neels, put me down!!" I scream, pounding my fists on his back.

"Sorry no can do, Y/n!" Winks Lucas, as he and the rest of the boys follow Neels as he walks out the back door towards their large pool.

"No Neels! Don't you dare even think of it! Neels! Neels! No! Ne-" I'm cut off by the feeling of being thrown off Neels' shoulder and into the icy water. I was still in my work uniform which was a pencil skirt and my company jumper, which were now soaking wet. I swam to the surface of the water.

I gasped for air and the look on my face obviously scared the boys a bit because their hysterical laughter came to an abrupt stop. I slowly took a step out of the water towards Neels with clenched fists. He took a step backwards, raising his hands in the air as a signal of surrendering.

"Y/n, I know what you're thinking, but don't even-"

"YOU'RE DEAD NEELS!!" I yell, chasing him around the pool, the other boys found this amusing and laughed as they looked at Neels' terrified face.

"Okay! Alright! I give up!" I pretend to wheeze and cough, close to the edge of the pool. Knowing Neels he'd come to comfort me or gloat.

"Aaah! Y/n, you were no match for these!" Neels laughs, showing off his muscles. "Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

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