Fighting with Marcus

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A/N: 30K reads (18/10/17) 31K reads (23/10/17) WAYHOOO!

Song: 1D - Truly Madly Deeply 

Your POV:

"Marcus?" I yelled while going through the kitchen to the living room.

Marcus was sitting at the dining table with his laptop.

"What?" He looked at me with an annoyed look.

"Why do you have to yell like that?"

"I'm sorry," I said a bit defensive. "I wasn't trying to annoy you, I was just-"

"What?" He cut me off. "I'm kind of busy."

I looked at him with hurt but decided to let it go. He had been stressed the past few weeks because of the amount of videos he had to edit.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie or something?" I gave him a smile to lighten up his mood.

He looked at me for a long moment before shaking his head.

"I'm busy, please just leave me alone."

I frowned but decided to just do as he asked. He wasn't in the right mood for arguing so I went to couch and turned on the TV.

"I don't have to work all the time." I complained.

"Y/N please, I'm working."

"Okay, okay." I found the remote and zapped through the channels.

Yes, I thought, when one of the Harry Potter movies showed on the screen, it had just started.

"Y/N could I please turn that down?" Marcus asked a minute later.

I sighed but did what he asked. He was after all working.

5 minutes later, Marcus suddenly marched in front of the TV and turned it off.

"What the hell Marcus?" I asked angrily.

"Please just go upstairs and watch I can't... I need to work!" He said annoyed.

"Why am I the one that has to go upstairs? You have a room. There's a reason the laptop was invented, so you could move it!"

"Why can't you just for once do what I ask you to?" He was yelling now.

"You don't get to decide over me!" I got up from the couch when the doorbell suddenly rang. He walked out to open the door and I followed him, still furious over his reaction. 

So what if he was stressed? He didn't have to take it out on me.

Marcus opened the door and on the other side was Lucas.

"Hey bro," he said with a smile. "Do you want to come out and have a drink. Oh hey Y/N." I was to angry to respond.

"Sure." Marcus said.

"I need get out of here! You're unbelievable!" I yelled.

He turned around surprised.

"Was this a bad time?" Lucas asked, a bit unsure.

"No it's fine, Y/N is just acting out." I froze by his words and felt the tears in my eyes. Lucas looked at Marcus shocked before looking over at me.

"I'm just gonna go." It was like Lucas's words brought Marcus back to life, and he turned towards me and realized, what he had just said when he saw the silent tears running down my face. Then I turned around and ran up the stairs and into the bedroom where I locked the door. Not even a minute later, I heard Marcus.

"Y/N please, I'm so sorry. I don't know what went over me." I didn't answer but just slid up against the door listening to Marcus begging to let him in.

"I'm so sorry, please just let me in." Then he suddenly stopped and all I could hear was the rain outside and his footsteps leading away from the door.

Then I heard a soft knock. I got up from Ir place on the floor a bit curious but mostly scared. It came from behind the curtains. When I pulled them away I saw Marcus standing on the other side of the balcony door, looking at me through the glass soaking wet from the pouring rain.

"I'm so sorry", he said even though I couldn't hear anything. I could only see his lips moving.

"Marcus what are you doing?" I yelled while opening the door. My words drowned by the rain so it was only a quiet question.

"I'm sorry", he just answered.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, why did you have to be so mean? You didn't have to take it out on me!"

He didn't say anything just looked at me with guilt in his hazel eyes.

"I said I had to work, that I didn't have time. But when Lucas comes..." I stopped my yelling and took a step outside into the rain. "I know, I don't even have an excuse, I'm an idiot," Marcus answered while coming closer to me.

We were only a few centimetres apart now.

"Well," I said. Marcus looked into my eyes. "Then I'm an idiot as well."


"Because apparently I'm in love with one," I cut him off.

"I love you, Y/N." Marcus answered with a smile.

"I love you too even though it might make me an idiot."

Before I could say anything other than that, Marcus put a hand on my lower back and pulled me closer until I could feel his lips against mine. My fingers ran through his wet hair, and I pulled away and looked up against the rain with a smile, before Marcus yet another time pulled me closer, and the only thing I could feel was his soft lips against mine.

A/N: I am sorry for not updating for a while, I am stressed about a lot of things and I had no ideas. I have a lot to do and I just don't have the time to think of ideas and write all the time but you can understand that, right?

I love you all and I hope you liked this. Also don't forget to vote and check out my other books,


- S

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