Stay (Lucas)

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A/N: 73K Reads( 24/03/18)      74K Reads (30/03/18)

Song: Stay by Alessia Cara ft. Zedd

Your POV:

" Y/n, come on pleeeeaaaasssseeeee. He could be cute!" Tessa pleaded.

Tessa had met some boy and they were going out tonight on a date. She said the boy wanted to bring his friend to the date and that's why I had to come so it was a double date.

"Alright fine, but if it gets awkward I'm leaving."

"Deal." She beams triumphantly.

So I put my phone down and started to get dressed. I decided to go with a burgundy skater dress and added some black tights since it was autumn and it would be rather cold. Then paired it with some cute black boots and my favorite black leather jacket.

I looked in the mirror and was very pleased with my outfit but felt it was a little too.....dark and bad-girl-ish so I decided to pair it with a gold heart necklace and some little gold earrings to lighten up the outfit.

I completed my look when I pulled back the front pieces of my curled hair with a bow that matched my dress. Then I looked at my face and remembered I had to put makeup on. I made sure to keep it pretty simple with a light smokey eye to kind of match the outfit while still emphasizing my eyes.

Not long after, I was finished I heard a car horn beep and I knew it was the impatient beeping of Tessa. Quickly I grabbed my purse and ran downstairs and jumped into her car.

The car ride was the usual between best friends: complimented each other on their outfit choices, jammed out to our favorite tunes, then talked about how nervous we were for the date.

Soon we pulled up at my favorite frozen yoghurt place, Sweet Frog, where we saw two guys waiting outside, I assumed they were waiting for us. When I saw them my heart skipped a beat because they were both so unbelievably attractive.

One had short dark brown hair with a slight stubble on his face from lack of shaving, his jaw line was beautifully chiseled and gave him a very powerful look. A look like he could smooth talk his way out of anything but also beat someone up if he needed to. He wore a dark hoodie with skinny jeans and some boots.

The other one was my favorite and I secretly hoped he was for me; he had rather messy brown-dyed blonde hair that looked so soft, I longed to run my fingers through it. He had a soft and innocent face like he could do no wrong, he looked so sweet. He wore a blue and white varsity jacket with regular jeans and some white Yeezys.

He looked like a typical jock though something told me he wasn't.

Tessa parked the car and we got out and made our way to the door. Once we reached the door Tessa went up to and started talking to the dark haired boy. I was so excited to see that I got the one with blonde highlights

I walked up to him and he was just staring at me in disbelief.

"What do I have dirt on me or something?" I asked noticing that he was staring.

"O-oh no, it's just Tristan didn't tell me my blind date was so beautiful," he said scratching his neck nervously,"I guess you already know my name huh,"

"Oh sorry I don't think I do," I said looking puzzled because he did seem familiar.

"What really?!" He said in disbelief "Well it's Lucas."

"Y/n." I replied doing a slight playful curtsy.

Then the other boy turned to me and introduced himself as Tristan and opened the door and ushered us inside. We went inside and got our yoghurt, though I got only a little because I didn't want it to cost too much, then Tristan and Lucas insisted they pay.

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