From the Katric Ark

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Stardate 2258.42

"Ze avay team iz entering ze atmosphere, sir," Chekov relayed, "Tventy-thousand meters."

Sala simply watched as the signals of Jim, Sulu, and Olson dropped further and further into the Vulcan atmosphere.

"Appraching ze platform at fifty eight hundred meters," Chekov relayed.

"Kirk to Enterprise," Jim said, his comms breaking through the tense air of the bridge, "Distance to target, five thousand meters."

"Forty six hundred meters from ze platform," Chekov updated.

"Forty five hundred meters to target," Sulu said, his voice chiming in.

"Four thousand meters," Jim said simply.

"Three thousand meters."

"Three thousand meters!" Olson echoed.

"Two thousand meters," Jim updated.

"Pull the chute," Sulu said, deploying his chute.

Jim deployed his chute and the signals from him and Sulu were now in a slower descent. Olson, however, had yet to pull his chute.

"Two thousand meters!" Olson updated.

He had been the last to exit the shuttle so he was behind Jim and Sulu in their descent into the atmosphere.

"Come on. Pull your chute, Olson!" Jim called.

"No, not yet. Not yet!" Olson replied, his tone borderline giddy, "Fifteen hundred meters!"

"Olson, pull your chute!" Sulu yelled.

Olson let out an expression of excitement.

"Olson, pull your chute!" Jim repeated once.

"One thousand meters!" Olson cried.

With less than one thousand meters distance between him and the platform, Olson finally pulled his chute. It was not clear to those on the bridge what exactly happened but it was only moments before Olson's signal disappeared from the screen.

"Olson!" Sulu yelled.

"O-Olson iz gone, sir," Chekov said, stunned.

It was a few moments before Jim's signal stopped dropping and was perceived to be on the target.

"Kork has landed," Chekov noted with a glance at Spock.

A tense silence over took the bridge at Jim's signal moved about on the perceived dimensions of the platform. Sulu took longer to land, but he was also able to successfully do so. His signal then moved about on the platform as well.

All the bridge could do was watch, and wait. They would not be able to assist the two men anymore than what they had already done; help get them to the platform.

After a few minutes, the two signals of Jim and Sulu stilled. Moments later, they moved one more time.

"The jamming signal's gone. Transporter abilities are re-established," Uhura said while working with her station.

"Transporter control is re-engaged, sir," Chekov said.

"Chekov, run gravitational sensors," Spock ordered, "I want to know what they are doing to the planet."

"Aye Kommander. Keeptin! Sorry, Keeptin."

"Kirk to Enterprise," Jim called, his voice entering the bridge, "They just launched something at the planet through the hole they just drilled. Do you copy, Enterprise?"

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