Onto the Enterprise

990 38 3

Stardate 2258.42

"Well, she's a wee bit dodgy. Shield emitters were totally banjaxed, as well as a few other things," Mr. Scott said, tapping on one of the shuttles in the outpost, "On youse go. So, the Enterprise has had its maiden voyage, has it? She is one well-endowed lady. I'd like to get my hands on her ample nacelles, if you'll pardon the engineerin' parlance."

All while Mr. Scott was having this seemingly one-sided conversation, Spock Prime and Sala Prime had gotten into the shuttle, Spock Prime dealing with the interface to calibrate for a transwarp beaming onto the Enterprise. Jim had followed onto the shuttle, closely behind Mr. Scott and Keenser.

"Except, the thing is, even if I believed you, right, where you're from, what I've done, which I don't, by the way, you're still talkin' about beamin' aboard the Enterprise while she's travelin' faster than light without a proper receivin' pad," Mr. Scott said while pacing around the shuttle, noticing that Keenser had climbed onto one of the metal frames in said shuttle, "Get off there! It's not a climbin' frame," Mr. Scott then paused for a moment, "The notion of transwarp beamin' is like tryin' to hit a bullet, with a smaller bullet, whilst wearin' a blindfold, ridin' a horse."

By this point, Mr. Scott had made it back next to Spock Prime on the shuttle, who was starting to get up from the interface he had been working with.

"What's that?" Mr. Scott asked.

"Your equation for achieving transwarp beaming," Spock Prime said simply, fully removing himself from his seat.

"Get out of it," Mr. Scott muttered while getting into the seat Spock Prime was just and looking at the screen to read the equation, "Imagine that! It never occurred to me to think of space as thing that was movin'."

"You two are coming with us, right?" Jim asked Spock Prime and Sala Prime.

"No, Jim. That is not our destiny," Spock Prime answered.

"Your des-," Jim trailed off, trying to figure out what to say, "The other Spock is not going to believe me. Only you can explain what the hell's happened."

"Under no circumstance can he or Sala be made aware of our existence. You must promise me this."

"You're telling me that I can't tell you that I'm following your own orders? Why not? What happens?"

"Jim, this is one rule you cannot break," Sala Prime said sternly.

"To stop Nero, you alone must take control of your ship," Spock Prime instructed.

"How? Over your dead body?"

"Preferably not. However, there is Starfleet Regulation six-one-nine. Six-one-nine states that any commanding officer who is emotionally compromised by the mission at hand, must resign said command."

"So, you're saying that I have to emotionally compromise you guys," Jim said, though it sounded almost as a question.

"Jim, we just lost our planet. I can assure you that both Spock and myself are emotionally compromised," Sala said, "What you need to do is get him to show it."

"Aye, then, laddie. Live or die," Mr. Scott's voice chimed in, "Let's get this over with."

Jim started to turn away, giving one last glance to Spock Prime and Sala Prime, before stepping onto one of the transport pads in the shuttle.

"Go on. You cannae come with me," Mr. Scott said, lightly pushing Keenser from the other transport pad, "Go on."

Jim leaned against one of the railings, needing to say one last thing, to Spock Prime in particular, "You know, coming back in time, changing history, that's cheating."

"A trick I learned, from an old friend," Spock Prime returned.

There was silence and the smallest of smirks started to grace Jim's lips.

Jim started to straighten himself as he saw Spock Prime and Sala Prime hold up their right hands in a Vulcan salute. Something he had only seen Sala do a handful of times prior.

"Live long," Spock Prime started.

"And prosper," Sala Prime finished.

With that, the transporters in the shuttle powered up and light began to circle around Jim and Mr. Scott.

The next thing Jim knew, he was in part of an engineering deck. He assumed it to he the one of the Enterprise. He looked around with a lopsided smile, surprised that he had just successfully been beamed onto a ship going at warp speed.

"Mr. Scott!" Jim called, now looking for the man he had found on Delta Vega, aside from Spock Prime and Sala Prime.

Jim continued to look around him, looking for Mr. Scott, only to hear tapping on the metal vat he was standing next to.

The smile that was on Jim's face dropped as he turned around and pressed his ear against the side of the vat.

"Mr. Scott, can you hear me?" Jim asked.

Jim heard a hissing sound and saw Mr. Scott's body move into a pipe that was filled with water.

"Uh, hold on a second!" Jim said just as the water moved once again, taking Mr. Scott with it, "Oh, no."

Jim started to run along the pipe, attempting to follow Mr. Scott and find a way to get him out of said pipe.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there!" Jim yelled, hoping Mr. Scott could hear him.

Jim realized he ran into a U-bend in the pipe. He quickly turned himself around and continued to run along the pipe, shedding his coat as he ran. He saw Mr. Scott start to go up vertically in the pipe.

"No, no!" Jim yelled.

Jim continued to track the direction of the pipe with his eyes. They soon came across a large turbine fan. He saw that there was an emergency release valve before the turbine, but he also saw that Mr. Scott was quickly approaching it and the turbine.

Now feeling frantic, Jim ran to a computer that was near the turbine and quickly worked with the controls to try and get the turbine to open.

"Turbine release valve activated," The computer rang out.

Jim heard a rush of water behind him and he turned to see Mr. Scott fall from the release valve, which then shut its self again. Carefully stepping, Jim made his way over to Mr. Scott and pressed his hands into his back.

"Are you alright?" Jim asked before helping Mr. Scott to sit up, "Are you alright?"

Mr. Scott spat out some water and coughed a bit before speaking, "My head's buzzin' and I'm soaked but otherwise I'm fine."

Back on the bridge, Spock was still speaking with is father, and Sala was continuing to monitor all else that was occurring around her; a sort of grounding technique.

"Keeptin Spock! Detecting unauthorized access to Water Turbine Control Board," Chekov relayed.

"Bring up the video," Spock said, stepping forward.

The surveillance video was brought up and to Sala's surprise, she saw Jim in the video. He was with someone she had not seen before but sure enough, Jim was there. This meant that Jim had managed to get back aboard the Enterprise, while she was at warp.

Spock leaned on a button, activating a comms link, "Security, seal the Engineering Deck. We have intruders in Turbine Section three. Set phasers to stun."

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