From Whence He Came

962 40 4

Stardate 2258.42

"Prepare to fire on the Narada, or any weapons they fire, the moment we drop out of warp," Sala ordered, "If we hesitate, the advantage of our sensor invisibility will be lost."

Sala felt as though she had to explain to herself why it was most logical to fire upon the Narada while Jim was still aboard.

"Aye, ma'am," Chekov answered.

"Exiting warp in three, two, one," Sulu queued.

"Fire!" Sala called as the Enterprise dropped out of warp.

The Narada and a second, much smaller ship, could be seen before the Enterprise.

Sala watched as the smaller ship continued its path directly into the Narada, after the Enterprise's weapons had destroyed those shot from the Narada.

"Beaming Kirk and Spock aboard," Mr. Scott relayed.

Sala heard Uhura get up from her station and run towards the transporter room. She stayed seated and saw the smaller ship collide with the Narada, causing an explosion at the heart of the ship.

It was only a short time before Jim, Spock, and Uhura made their way back onto the bridge.

"Keeptin! Ze enemy ship is losing power! Zeir shields are down, sir," Chekov relayed to Jim as Sala stood from her seat.

"Hail them now," Jim replied while walking towards the front of the bridge.


As Chekov was hailing the Narada, a massive black hole could be seen blooming from the center of Nero's ship.

Nero answered the hail, his signal shaky and unstable.

"This is Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. Your ship is compromised. Too close to the singularity to survive without assistance, which we are willing to provide," Jim said, his voice strong and authoritative.

Spock turned around to speak in a slightly more private manner to Jim.

"Captain, what are you doing?" Spock asked.

"Showing them compassion may be the only way to earn peace with Romulus," Jim explained, "It's logic, Spock. I thought you'd like that."

"No, not really. Not this time."

Sala couldn't help but feel the ghost of a smirk on her lips at Spock's comment.

"I would rather suffer the end of Romulus a thousand times. I would rather die in agony than accept assistance from you," Nero said, giving Jim the answer he needed.

"You got it," Jim said before moving to take a seat in the Captain's chair, "Arm phasers. Fire everything we've got."

The transmission between the Enterprise and the Narada was closed as Sulu spoke.

"Yes, sir," Sulu replied before doing just that.

Every weapon that was aboard the Enterprise was fired at the Narada as she began to break and give way to the singularity growing at her center. Once the Narada had completely collapsed within the singularity, Jim began to speak.

"Sulu, let's go home," Jim said over the warning tones on the bridge.

The alerts were a proximity alert to the singularity that was still growing.

"Yes, sir!" Sulu replied, turning the ship so she could warp away from the singularity.

But then, the Enterprise was not moving.

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