Chapter Føur

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First of all just look at that photo. Just look at it......Okay continue with your love fantasy!


I woke up and felt a strong arm across my chest.  I look next to me and see Josh's face in the crook of my neck.  

He is sleeping on me. Wait he is sleeping on me!

 I started to blush than pushed the thought out.  He would never like you he is hot and famous he obviously has prettier girls surround him all the time.  Who would like you anyway.

You stop thinking about that and just relax.  After a couple minutes Josh's arm starts to tense up.  You hear him groan then yawn.  

Josh notices that he is holding you and quickly lets go.  I wish he didn't.

You sat up and blushed a shade of pink.

"Um thank you for l-letting me stay I appreciate it" You say trying to break the silence.

"Oh no problem I enjoyed your company I don't like being by myself"

He looked so cute with his hair all messy and no shirt. (well duh)

Josh standed up then went out of the room.  You walked out and saw him in the kitchen going through the pantry.

"Do you like cereal?"He asked

"Uh yeah"

Josh hands you a bowl of cereal and you bring it to the table.  Josh sits next to you and eats his cereal. (Wow so interesting right?)

Once I finished I put it in the sink and sat back down.

"So uh i guess I will get out of your way you probably have a lot of stuff to do with the new album and maybe a tour i do-'

"wait, what did you say (Y/N)?"

"that you probably were b-busy with the album"You realized what you said. shoot

"Are you a fan?"

"Well um not really I jus- Yes yeah I am" You sorta whisper.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to think I was a crazy fangirl that will steal one of your shirts and put it in a shrine or something"

"Woah that's crazy do fans do that?"


You both laugh and then it becomes silent but not the awkward silence, it was nice.

"So um I should probably go" You break the silence.

Josh lifts his head confused.


"Uh I have no idea"

"well then stay I have nothing to do we could do something together anyway you don't have a place to stay unless you want to stay here with me"

"I don't want to make you do that josh"

"No seriously I have a guest room we can decorate it and everything!" He was super excited.

"Uh sure"

Josh smiled and all I could do was smile back it was contagious.  You walk into his room and grab your clothes then bring them into the bathroom and lock the door.  You look at the mirror and see your face.

I can't believe Josh saw me like this

Makeup was everywhere and your hair was a mess.  You quickly put your clothes on then splash your face with water getting the makeup of with a rag and some soap.  than you grab a brush near by and brush your hair.  You didn't look the best but it was enough.

I walked back out and Josh was already dressed i his Nasa shirt and black jeans with a snapback.

"ready (Y/N)"


Josh leads you to his car you get in the passenger seat and Josh starts to drive the car ride was pretty silent so Josh turned on the radio.  It was very scratchy I guess it was starting to break.

When you reached the mall the first store you went to was Hot Topic.  It was a little awkward shopping there since you mostly bought twenty one pilots shirts.  After shopping for a bit a couple fans came and said Hi and asked for pictures.

"Josh who's that?" One fan hissed.

She was super pretty she was way skinnier than you and had blonde hair and light blue eyes with tan skin and (anything else a beautiful person would have I don't know)

"My friend (Y/N)" Josh answered back politely.

"Oh so you're single"She asked in a happier tone.

"Uh yeah I guess you could say that."

"Well if you ever get lonely " She grabbed a paper and started writing. :Just give me a call and we will have some fun" She winked and walked away handing Josh the paper.

Josh blushed and I felt angry

was I jealous?

Why I don't have a chance we aren't even dating.

Josh took the paper and threw it away in the trash which made you a little happier.

------Time skip-------

You had finished shopping.  It was fun except the part where you had to get underwear and bras. (Cringe)

"Man I'm so hungry" Josh whined.

I laughed at how childish he was.

"I think there is a taco bell here"

"(Y/N) that is the best idea ever"

"Well thanks I am pretty smart. you flip your hair

Both of you laugh and you go to Taco bell (starts singing TB saga)

Once you guys finished your food you headed back home well Josh's home.  When you got there Josh threw himself onto the couch and you brought your stuff into your new room which right now only had a bed. When you walked out you saw Josh passed out. You laughed and sat next to him.  Gosh he was cute.  I wish I could just hug him and never let go his hugs were amazing.

"Man your cute" You whisper to Josh, glad that he was asleep.

All of a sudden a smile appears on Josh's face and he opens his eyes

"Thanks (Y/N) your not bad yourself"

You blush and lay back on the couch while Josh goes back to sleep.

"Oh boy" you sighed


I'm so sorry that this was such a long boring chapter but I'm still figuring out how this story will play out.  Any ideas? Do you like these longer chapters or should I keep it short. 

Also sorry for any misspells I do not write correctly sometimes.

Stay Alive and like Josh says Stay Street

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