Chapter Fourteen

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Two Months later

It's been two months since Josh kissed and we have been only friends every day after that.  Its been the worst two months.  In between these months Josh found another girlfriend and her name was Ashley or more known as Halsey (No hate against her just another person that is in Josh's life) and he seems super happy with her but I'm am miserable.  I couldn't stop thinking about Josh while was out with his new love.  The only place that would take my mind of of him was the bar which was where I was at now.

"Hey pretty lady" A man slurred from behind you.

"F**k off" You said and kept drinking your drink.

"Now that's not a nice way to talk to me" The man spun you around and you were in shock.

"T-todd what are you doing hear" you almost scream at your ex.

"I came back for you"

"Well too late for that"

"Why?, do-do you already have someone?"He almost seemed hurt.

"No but I would never get back with a dip crap jerk like you"

"Well that was not nice, say sorry"


"Then I'll make you" 

Todd grabbed your arm and pulled you outside.  You tried to pull away but he was to strong he was dragging you outside.  You didn't want to make a scene so you didn't scream but that was a bad decision.  He pulled you by his truck and pushed his body up to you making you uncomfortable.

"Say sorry....Or else"


"Okay then" He smirked than propped out his (Umm stuff)

He then pulled up your dress and pushed himself into you. (I don't like this) 

"Are you going to say sorry"

"S-sorry" You whispered in defeat and pain.

"What was that"

"SORRY OH GOD SOMEONE HELP!!!" you screamed and Todd slapped you.

"Shut up!"

"Hey you leave her alone" A man screamed.

*Can you guess who it is*

You looked at the man and smiled in relief but Todd did not look to happy to see him.

"Hey man leave okay she's mine"

"Um no she is not I happen to know her so step back"

"Yeah um no" Todd took a swing but got knocked down quickly.

I ran up away from Todd and hugged my hero.

"Thank you so much Tyler" (OOOh you didn't know that was coming did you)

"No problem (Y/N) now let's get you back to your apartment."


Tyler drops you off at your place and leaves.  You open your door and walk into your room.  It was decorated with white everything including your vessel poster which fit perfectly.  You went into your dresser and grabbed shorts and a sweater.  You went into the living room and turned on (your favorite show).  After a couple minutes of relaxing you get a text from Josh.

Bold is you and italic is Josh

Hey (Y/N) can I come over?!?!

yeah of course what happened?

I'll tell you when I get there just thank you

Yeah no problem

okay I'll be there soon

okay bye

You put your phone down and get some ice cream and popcorn also some red bull for Josh.  By the time everything was ready you heard a knock on the door.  You ran to the door and swung open the door.  Josh's eyes were red and his hair was a mess, he looked like he had been crying.

"Josh what happened?"

"A-ashley cheated on me" He whimpered.

"Oh Josh I'm sorry" You said pulling him into a hug but he pushed away and just looked at your house

"Come on" Josh follows you to the couch and is shocked by all the food

"(Y/N) you didn't have to do this"

"Yes I did you are one of my bestfriends I would do anything for you"

"Thank y-" Josh all of a sudden burst into tears on your shoulder.

"Shhh Josh tell me what's wrong tell me everything"

"Well I went home and I saw clothes on the floor and I walked into my room and there she was naked in the bed with some dude I don't even know, but that's not why I'm here though"

"Why are you here?"

"Because seeing all that stuff hurts me and now I know how you felt and it kills me that I did it to you that I put you through that much pain and we were together for longer and i just am so sorry" Josh then engulfs you into a hug and you squeeze back.

"It's okay Josh I'm fine really"

"No your not I can tell Tyler tells me that you always go to the bar and get drunk I know you only do that when you are sad and that is all because of me and i can't help but feel that you shouldn't forgive me I don't deserve you at all an-"

"Josh shut up okay I love you I still do and nothing is going to change that"

Josh all of a sudden pushed you into a kiss and you kissed back patiently and insync.  Josh hit you legs telling you to jump and he carried yo to your room not breaking the kiss.  Lets just say that night changed everything.


Hey I hope you liked that I just came back from colorado so I now have time to write so sorry for the wait and wow thank you for everyone reading I thought I was the only one that was reading so thank you!  Also I dyed my hair purple yay and I just felt like saying that so yeah

Have a nice day my beans 
Love ya

Oh and sorry for this being so short

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