Chapter Twelve

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Josh POV

I just freaking messed up everything.  (Y/N) saw me in bed with Debby and now she doesn't want to talk.  Tyler hasn't answered any of my calls or texts neither have Jenna or (Y/N).  I am all alone, Debby tried to make me feel better by saying she would date me but I just pushed her out the door and slammed it on her face.  All I want is (Y/N) but I don't deserve her I don't know what to do.  What even is the point of living.


"Jenna its your turn" I say handing her the remote.

We have been taking turns watching movies all day.  The past week has been super fun hanging out with Jenna.  Everything was great besides the nights that I would cry about Josh but Tyler and her would always calm me down.  Josh has tried to call and text all of us leaving hundreds of voicemails and I feel bad separating tyler and Josh but tyler seemed pretty mad about it.

"Hey Tyler" I hollered from him.

"Yeah (Y/N) he said coming into the living room and sitting next to Jenna.

"I know he is your bestfriend you need to talk to him Jo-"Tyler cut me off

"Don't say his name"

"But he is your best friend and you can't let our breakup get in the way"

"i know but you are like my sister and he hurt my sister and he cheated which is even worse"

"I know but please for me, you don't even have to mention the whole drama thing just go to hi house and hang out"

".....okay fine only because you begged me" Tyler said standing up.

"Thank you ty ty"

"Yeah yeah"

You gave him a hug and he hugged you back kissing your cheek.  He walked out the door and you went back to watching the movie.

Tylers POV

I didn't want to see Josh, he had hurt (Y/N) really bad.  i have never seen her cry that much and I couldn't stand it.  Josh and I haven't talked for weeks, I bet hes off with that slut of a girl who he probably deserves because he too is just as much as a whore as she is.

When I got to the house I got out of my car I walked to the door and knocked, regretting doing so since i really did not look forward to seeing his face.

A couple minutes late the door opens and Josh stands there.  His eyes are blood shot probably from crying and his hair was a mess.


"Hi" I replied blankly.

Josh quickly pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much" Josh started to cry into your shirt.

You lightly held his back not wanting this at all.  Josh soon let go and motioned you inside.  You looked around scanning for any sign of Debby but there was none.  You both sat t the couch and Josh just looked at you.

"Listen I'm sorry I shouldn't have done what I did and i regret it deeply and I feel really bad that it hap-"


"Huh" Josh said puzzled.

"Why did you do it why did you hurt (Y/N)"

"I don't know Debby called and said she wanted me back and I thought we were just going to have lunch then things got physical and I couldn't help myself I was thinking of (Y/N) the whole time"

"Well get her out of your mind because that's the last place where she wants to be, she will never get back with you and I hope that you realize that you just wasted a perfect girl and maybe ruined her view on dating" I was pissed 

"Tyler I'm sorry really Tell her that please" Josh was starting to cry.

"Maybe" I said and stood up.  Josh went to give me a hug but i just walked away and closed the door behind me.


Finally the movie ended and Jenna was passed out on the other side of the couch.  i decided to look on instagram.  I scrolled through fan pages and stuff.  A bunch of pictures of me and then i stopped on one of Josh and Debby.  the caption said "Wait wasn't he dating (Y/N) did they breakup or is he cheating? Just kidding our bean wouldn't cheat" I rolled my eyes.  Well you guessed wrong about your bean.

a couple minute later tyler come storming in and i could guess the meetup didn't go well.

"Uh hey Tyler" I said a little nervous.

"Hi (Y/N)" He said while sighing and sitting next to me.

"How did it go"

"Not well, he wanted me to tell you he said sorry but I feel that, that's not enough"

"I know ty and I am not forgiving him but you guys still can be friends and so can we so tomorrow you should go back and pays some songs then if you feel up to it you can tell him that i'm willing to be his friend which is all that I'm going to do"

"UGH (Y/N) why are you so good at this"

"I don't know I just am"

"Fine I'll do it now if you excuse me i am going to carry my wife to bed and we are going to go to sleep"

"Goodnight tyler"

"Goodnight (Y/N)"

Tyler picked up Jenna and walked to their room and shut the door.  I walked into the guest room where i was currently living and using jenna's clothes which to be honest was super fun since I love her fashion taste.  

I changed into pajamas and hopped into bed.  I layed there staring at the ceiling until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and walked into the kitchen.  Tyler was already eating and dressed.

"Good morning" I said

"Morning (nickname)"

"Why are you already dressed"

"Going to Josh's remember"

"oh yeah"

Tyler then got up bt his bowl away and grabbed his keys.  He walked out the door and a couple minutes later I heard his car leave.

I finished eating m cereal and walked into my room to change when I heard my phone go off.


(Y/N): Hello

Josh: tyler told me you would be okay if we were just friends

(Y/N): yes just friends

Josh:Thank you

(Y/N): Don't blow it

Josh: I promise

I didn't want to dat Josh but I still couldn't lose him


 I hope you liked it and wow two stories only one day apart I'm on a role! Anyway again I don't think anyone reads these along with my stories but I still want to sound professional.  Okay thank you for reading and I will post again some other day.

Have a nice day my beans
Love ya!!!

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