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Y/n pov

Lately I've been spending an awful lot of time with one of my best friends kehlani. Yes I'm talking about THE kehlani the r&b singer. We've been friends ever since high school but lost contact when she wanted to pursue her music career and I wanted to go to college. Lani ended up moving out to L.A while I stayed in Oakland and went to community college. We got back into contact through Micah (noodz) and became extremely close again. There's one thing I haven't told kehlani yet though. I'm lesbian and have a huge crush on her. Considering lani is bisexual I know I have a slight chance with her but it's still very nerve racking. I plan on telling her today over lunch which I'm getting ready to go to.

****************Time skip*****************
I arrive at the restaurant before kehlani so I take it upon myself to get us a spacious booth. I purposely chose the one in the back of the restaurant because I know she likes her privacy. I order a sprite for myself and a water with a lemon for kehlani. I pull out my phone and scroll through my social media timelines to kill time. I can hear footsteps coming closer towards me so I divert my eyes from my phone to see the beautiful girl I call my best friend approaching me with a smile on her face.
"Hey y/n gimme a hug sis." kehlani says with a small giggle as she stops in front of me with her arms wide open. I get up and wrap my arms around her torso and inhale her sweet sent that I love. "Hey lani I missed you!" I squealed a little bit too excited. "Girl we saw each other two days ago" she laughed. "Yea yea but seriously I NEED to tell you something" I say slightly nervous. "Ok shoot" she says sipping on her water. I get ready to just come out and say it but the waitress comes back and asks us if we're ready to order. We've both been to this restaurant plenty of times and get the same thing every time, so there's no use in looking at the menus. "I'll have the kale salad with a vegan dressing" she says with a polite smile. "You and your healthy vegan ass" I mumble to myself while lowly snickering. "And for you miss?" The waitress asks. "Ill take the chicken tacos with a side of French fried please" I reply "ok perfect, I'll be back with those in a few" she quickly says and walks away. I look at kehlani and see her staring right back at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I cautiously rubbed my cheeks with the back of my hands looking like a completely dumbass. "No, no there's nothing there other than beauty" she quietly said the last part but I still heard it. "What was that last part?" I ask with a small smirk. "Nothing, didn't you have something to tell me?" "Oh yea, that's right." Shit shit shit I don't think I want to do this anymore. I started to panic so I took a big gulp of my sprite and told myself I HAD to do this. "Kehlani I wanted to tell you that I'm lesbian and I have been for almost 3 years and I have a crush on you." I said real quick.

Kehlanis pov

I've had a big crush on y/n since high school. I've always been attracted to girl and guys and I came out as bisexual almost 4 years ago. Only Micah knows about me liking y/n and she keeps telling me to tell her. I was secretly so gassed about just the two of us going to lunch but kept it on the down low. When I show up to the restaurant the hostess brought me to the booth and I saw she already ordered my drink. A glass of water with lemon, my favorite, she knows me too well. We went to hug and I quickly breathed in her scent. As weird as it sounds I felt her do it to so it made it less weird. When I ordered my food i heard the comment about me being a vegan. It didn't bother me and if anything I love how comfortable she is around me and says what's on her mind. The fact that she had something serious to tell me slipped from my mind as I watched her order. They way her lips moved when she talked and that small smile she does makes me melt. As the waitress walks away I suddenly remember she wanted to tell me something. I intently stare at her waiting for her to talk but she just asked if she had something on her face and spazzed out for a second. "No,no there nothing there other than beauty" I mumbled the last part on purpose hoping she would hear it and wouldn't at the same time. She did hear that and questioned it but I wasn't worried about it I just wanted to hear what she had to say.
When she told me she was lesbian and she likes me my heart stopped and I tensed up. This isn't happening, is my luck really this good I thought the myself. Her nails tapping on the table knocked me out of my thoughts. I got up and walked to her side of the booth and smashed our lips together. "I like you too, I have ever since high school" I whispered as our lips parted. I saw pure emotion in y/n eyes as she leaned in to kiss me again. our lips parted for a second time and I got up and moved back to my side of the booth just before the waitress brought us our food. We both thanked her and started eating in a peaceful silence. Y/n spoke after finishing her food, " do you wanna come over for a bit and watch movies or something" she calmly said like we didn't just have a mini make out session less that 20 minutes ago. "Yea of course" I said with a goofy smile plastered on my face. "Great, and maybe we can do a little bit more of what we did earlier" y/n said with a smirk as she reached across the table to interlock our hands.

*****************Time skip*****************
At y/n apartment and still kehlanis pov

We separately drove to y/n apartment and I got there first because she insisted on going to Walmart to get snacks and popcorn. I FaceTimed Micah to kill some time. "Yo micah guess what happened at lunch" " WHAT BITCHHH" " well y/n told me she liked me and has been lesbian for 3 years" " DID YOU TELL HER HOW YOU FELT ABOUT HER" " of course and we had some lil make and session and shit" I said with the same goofy smile on my face from earlier. "Congrats sis,where you at now" " I'm sitting the parking garage at her apartment cause she went to Walmart real quick" "GET YOU SOME LANI" " girl bye wit yo extra self she pulling into the garage now ima go" " ok love you and you better tell me all about it later" " ok I will" I hung up as I saw y/n get out her car.

Y/n pov

I quickly went to Walmart for snacks and as I pulled into the parking garage I saw Lanis car and parked next to it and got out. I saw her unbuckle and get out also. She grabbed my hand and we walked to my apartment building entry together. I'm not gonna lie, when she grabbed my hand the butterflies in my stomach were 10x worse. We made it to my door but before I could unlock it kehlani turned to me and said "y/n will you please be my girlfriend" I instantly said yes considering we've know each other almost our whole lives so it's nothing I'm not prepared for. We spent the whole night binge watching Star Wars movies, Disney movies, and of course pulp fiction. I think this relationship is gonna last.

Son of a bitch that's a lot of writing but ayeee i wrote my first imagine ever. I'm probably gonna look back at this in months and wonder why I even took time out of my day to do this but 🤷🏽‍♀️. Please vote and keep reading cause I promise there's much more to come ✌🏽✌🏽

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