Movie Night

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Kehlani's pov

When y/n gets home from her brothers house we're gonna watch a movie. Since I'm in charge of picking the movies I decided on horror movies. I actually likes them but Y/n is iffy about them. I want to watch the other side of the door since it's set in India. Y/n and I both have wanted to go to India for a while but never have time to. I put the DVD into the player and made y/n some popcorn.

I heard the front door open and see my beautiful wife walk in. She slipped her shoes off and picked up franklin and gave him a kiss while walking into the kitchen where I am.
"Hey babe" she greeted me and pecked my lips a few times. "What'd you and your brother do today?" I asked as she walked to our room to change into pajamas. "We just caught up with each other and he told me about how much of an ass his boss is." She said with a giggle. "Oh and we went out to lunch and then went to my dads to watch basketball." "Sounds fun" "Did you even do anything today kehlani?" "Uh yea I played with our child." I said in a duh tone pointing to franklin. Y/n laughed and lead me back to the living room. "What movie are we watching?" She asked. " The other side of the door." I said in a spooky voice. She laughed a bit and my foolishness then asked what it's about. "It's set in India. That's all you need to know." I said while grabbing the popcorn and a blanket. Y/n just looked at me and said, "it's a scary movie isn't it." I just turned the DVD player on and hushed her as the movie started.

Y/n pov

Me and kehlani planned a movie night when I got back from seeing my brother. My brother and I have a really tight bond and only live 20 minutes away from each other. We try to spend a lot of time together since he's in the Air Force and gets deployed often.

When I got home I greeted my "child" and my wife. We told each other about our day and headed into the living room to start the movie. Lani wanted to watch the other side of the door. I've never heard of it but when she told me it was set in India so I was eager to watch it. I'm not really scared of all horror movies but some just freak me out and that results in me cuddling up to lani and hiding my face in her

She started the movie and I sat in between her legs with my back facing towards her chests while she was leaned up against the arm of the couch. Franklin sat on my lap and drifted off to sleep in seconds. I started eating my popcorn when I felt lani shift under me. I looked back at her and said, "you good babe?" She just looked at me and I could see the lust in her eyes and replied with a simple "yea". I realized my ass was right on her crotch so I started to move around a little. She tensed up and groaned but I acted like I didn't hear it or even know what I was doing.

Kehlani pov

Y/n was sitting in between my legs and she was squirming and moving around all while her ass was all on my crotch. I'm not gonna lie it felt good as fuck but I'm not in the mood for teasing let alone sex. I had to stop her before it went too far. "Y/n sit still please your turning me on." I was flat out being blunt because if I didn't she would keep going. "Fine." She huffed. I knew she was doing it on purpose, God I married a such a tease.

We were in the middle of the movie when a figure popped up on the screen and y/n about shit herself. I laughed while she took franklin out of her lap and turned around to me. She pulled me away from the arm of the couch a little bit and straddled me and buried her head into my neck. "The movies not even that scary babe." I laughed "yea it kinda is plus im tired" she mumbled. "Go to sleep then." I whisper to her while running my hands up and down her back.

I finished the movie and overall it was pretty good. Y/n fell asleep almost 30 minutes ago and she looks so peaceful. Her arms are hooked around my waist while her head is slightly turned towards me and her mouth hangs open. I snap a quick picture then turn the tv and all the lights off. Since y/n is a light sleeper when I got up from the couch she awoke and looked at me. She groaned and wrapped her legs tightly around my waist when I tried to put her down so she could walk to bed. "Ok or I can just carry you that'll work." I say. She flashes a small smile as I set her down in bed.

I went to the bathroom to do my nightly routine then crawl into bed with her. Moments later I hear franklins collar jingle so I pick him up and put him in the bed with us. Y/n cuddles up to my chest and wraps her leg over mine and tucks her arm under mine also. This position wasn't the most comfortable for me but I'd do anything to make my baby comfortable. "I love you." I heard her sigh. "I love you too y/n."

Ughhhh this took all day to write and idk why. I get distracted so easy like I was a sentence into this imagine and my friend factimed me and we talked for like 2 hours then I made cookies and I'm about to go the sleep now. Vote and comment ✌🏽✌🏽

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