Chapter 2

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So peole liked it so I'm uploading again. I hope you like it, please comment negative and positive are greatly appreciated. 

Emily xx

Chapter 2 – This is just the beginning

Louis’ POV

I pulled up at the familiar house. The place I called my home. I pulled out my keys and opened the door.

“LOUIS!” Four very happy girls screamed out as I closed the door shut. 

“Hey girls.” I smiled, opening my arms to hug them all.

“Have you come to get Katie?” Daisy asked me.

“Yeah, is she still in bed?” I asked point up the stairs. She just shook her head.

“Katie didn’t come home last night.” Lottie told me, shrugging it off like it was normal. I followed her and the rest of the girls into the lounge and plopped myself onto the sofa with Phoebe sat on top of me.

“What do you mean she didn’t come home last night?” I asked them, absently mindly playing with Phoebe’s hair.

“She hardly ever comes home at night.” Lottie told me. “And the times that she is at home she’s always drunk or hung over.”

“She goes to school with a hangover?!” I asked, more than a little bit shocked. Katie was never really one to get drunk or miss school. She nearly always followed the rules for everything instead of being her own person. But this was not being her own person. This was her being stupid.

“Katie hardly ever goes to school.” Mum told me, sounding sad and standing in the door way. I stood up and hugged her tightly and I swear tears rolled down her cheeks. “I don’t know what to do with her any more Lou.”

“I’ll look after her.” I promised.

Katie’s POV

I trudged along the pavement to my house, my head still pounding and every bone aching. Louis’ car was parked outside. Great. So mum really was sending me off to London. I unlocked the door and closed it gently.

“I don’t know what to do with her any more Lou.” I heard my mum whisper. That hurt, a lot.

“I’ll look after her.” He promised. Ha, yeah right. If he really meant that then he never would have left me with Connor. Of course I hadn’t told him but he knew how unhappy I was, he just chose to do nothing about it. I slowly walked up the stairs and into the bathroom before rummaging around the cupboard for some parcetamol. I swallowed two tablets and downed a glass of water before going to pack the rest of my stuff. I had packed most of my clothes but I still had other stuff like my make-up, hair straighteners, my art stuff and my guitar. I had managed to get everything into two suitcases, a handbag, my art folder and my guitar case. I pulled the lot of it down the stairs, making a clatter that hurt my still slightly pounding head. 

“Katie it that you?” Lou asked before appearing from the lounge. 

“Looks like it doesn’t it?” I replied.

“Katie where have you been?” Mum shouted at me, pulling me into a hug. I winced as she touched my ribs.

“Chill out mum, I was at Zara’s.” I told her, escaping her hug.

“Well, excuse me for worrying! Half of the time I have no clue where you are.” She snapped. Same for me, it’s hard remembering things when you’re drunk. 

“When am I going?” I asked no one in particular, I just wanted to get out of here. I was fed up with mum constantly being down my throat complaining at something I had done or not done. 

“Now if you want.” Louis told me. I nodded and picked up my bags taking them out to his car. I dumped them in the boot before going to say goodbye to the girls.

“Bye girls.” I sighed. “I’ll miss you.” I told them truthfully hugging on to them tightly.

“Bye Katie.” They coursed. “Bye Lou.”

“Bye Katie darling.” Mum said softly, a few tears in her eyes. “I wish I didn’t have to send you away.”

“Then why are you?” I asked her.

“Katie, you know why. I don’t know what to do with you anymore. You just keep drinking and partying and staying out late, I have no idea where you are half of the time. I can’t be chasing after you with the other four girls as well. It’s not fair on them.” She explained, stroking my hair with her thumb.

“And moving to London is going to stop me drinking how exactly?” I asked, surely there are more places to drink in London than there are in Doncaster.

“None of your friends are there. They aren’t a good influence on you sweetie.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes and looked to Louis. “Are we going now?”

“Yep, come on Katie.” He said, putting his arm around me slightly. “Bye mum.” He hugged her tightly before he was attacked by Lottie, Felicity, Daisy and Phoebe. “Bye girlies.” He chuckled. 

I slumped into the seat on his car and pulled my phone on of my skinny jeans pocket. 2 new messages. I opened them, not really noticing that Louis had started the car and we were slowly driving away. 

From: Zara <3

Find a cute guy when you’re in London for me!! Have a nice time with Lou and I’ll see you when I next see you. Missing you already xxxx <3

I rolled my eyes at the screen of my iPhone, Zara is like a boy magnet she doesn’t need me to find her one!

To: Zara <3

You don’t need me to find you a guy!! Like I’ll have a nice time without you. Don’t have too many descent parties! Missing you lots as well xxxx <3

I opened the next message to see it was from Connor. I gulped but read it anyway.

From: Connor

Zara tells me you’re off to London with your brother. Well don’t think that you can escape me bitch. You’re just an ugly slag, I have no idea why I ever kissed you.

Most people would think that that would be the end of it, but it’s wasn’t. This is just the beginning. 

Vote, Fan, Comment it you like.

Emily xxx

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