Chapter 24

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Finally!! I underestimated how much work i had to do last weekend but this week I organised my free periods so tht I would be able to write and upload for you guys!! 

It's kinda sad but I think you're probably beginning to expect that from me by now.

Enjoy :)

Chapter 24 – You don’t have to be alone

Katie’s POV

“Katie!” Harry repeated. “Come on, let’s go.” He was still signing a few autographs but I could tell that he just wanted to get home.

“What’s your Twitter-

“Chloe, my names, Chloe.” She smiled.

“What’s your Twitter Chloe?” I asked, pulling the app up on my phone.

“@Chlo_checkmyflo_xx” Chloe grinned. I followed her and showed her the screen. “Eeek, thank you so much!”

“No problem love.” I smiled. “I really have to go now but I promise you that you’re not alone in this okay? Don’t feel alone because you’re not okay? Your family love you, your friends love you and I love you.” I half felt like I was saying this to myself. I’m going through hell but I’ll never be alone, no matter how alone I feel. “Chin up beautiful.” I whispered as I wrapped my arms round her into a tight hug and feeling a few tears drop on to my shoulder.

“Took your time.” Harry said, as I slipping into his car and he started the engine up.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” I said quietly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, sincerity lingering in his voice.

“Nothing.” I lied. Truth was the question should have been ‘what’s right?’. I couldn’t stop thinking about Chloe. No one was with her and she really did seem to be alone.

“Who was the girl you were talking to?” Haz asked.

“Chloe.” I told him. “She was asking about the trend and what was wrong with me. It turns out that she has cancer too and she just felt alone. That’s why I was talking to her, because I know what it feels like to feel alone. To know what it feels like realising that all of your friends are going to live the rest of their lives without you. To know that no matter how much anybody loves you, you really are alone because no one can save you. I’m dying Harry, and I’m dying alone.” Harry pulled up in the driveway and turned in his seat to face me.

“Katie Grace Tomlinson I never want to hear you say that again, got it? You’re not alone in this, so don’t even for a second think that you are. We’re all here for you; none of us are going to suddenly leave you. Yes, people’s lives will continue but everyone will remember you. Do you really think that you’re someone who’s easy to forget? Katie you are an incredible girl, yeah you’ve made mistakes but life’s too short to play it by the rules.” He told me seriously, wiping a few stray tears away with his thumb. “Now, how about making those rainbow cakes?”


Louis’ POV

“Lou, I know it’s going to be hard but you have to stay strong for Katie.” El told me, holding my hand as we walked into my flat.

“I know babe,” I sighed. “I know.”

“Ew, Harry you got it in my hair!” I heard Katie scream and giggle.

“Chill out Lou, she has a boyfriend.” Eleanor laughed.

I stood in the doorway of the kitchen for a few moments watching Harry and Katie smear bright rainbow cake mixture over each other. I pulled out my phone and got ready to snap a photo.

“Hey guys.” I said, both of their heads snapped towards me and I took the opportunity to take a photo and upload it to Twitter!

@Louis_Tomlinson: never let @Harry_Styles help @Katiee_Tommo bake…it will only end badly!!

@Harry_Styles: @Louis_Tomlinson what do you mean? I think it went pretty well!! J

@Katiee_Tommo: agreeing with Styles here @Louis_Tomlinson, rainbow cake faces ftw!! X

*later on*

“I’m going to bed now, night guys.” Katie announced placing a kiss on my cheek as the ending credits to The Lion King rolled on the screen.

“Night love.” I replied.

“Lou?” Haz asked.


“Katie says she feels alone, like we don’t really understand and that we’ll just leave her alone.” Katie feels alone? We don’t understand but we won’t leave her alone. Never. No matter what, she’ll never be alone. I’ll look after her until the end. The beginning, the middle and the end. I’ll look after her. I swear.

Incase you didn't know, 'ftw' is 'for the win', sorry if you already knew this but some might not or whatever.

I hope you liked this :)

I'll try to upload as soon as I can but please don't rush me into it, be patient. I'm studying for my A-Levels so I have a huge amount of work to do every week and I'm going through a tough time personally as well.

Emily xxxx

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