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This chapter I dedicate to
For the healthy friendship he has provided.


Recess yes,
Finally the bell rang signifing free time.

I wanted to give Nicole her sketch as I wanted to see her reaction. I was amazed with myself last night after seeing what my hands had done.I had nowhere to refer and I was mesmerized by the little details my mind noticed at the little time I had come to know her .

I wanted her to ask for the sketch first, there's no way I was gonna give her first before she asked for it... Although I was more exited than she was obviously about the sketch, outside I was patient and played cool and only I new the extend of excitement building inside. Suddenly she got up from her desk and headed straight to the door, swaying her hips seductively full aware of the attention she was drawing to herself and she seemed to enjoy it.

Yes, Nicole was that girl ,the girl that every guy wanted to date. She was smart, intelligent, creative, social and kind. Her personality was attractive and she was really pretty.She was both popular and a darling to everyone in school even the teachers seemed to like her, well the young mathematics teacher, Mr.Bruno, seemed to like her a lot more because of the way he frequently asked her questions and motioned for her to answer questions even when her hand was not raised and other students had clearly raised theirs .

I sat at my desk in deep thought as everyone else was leaving and entering the classroom enjoying their break.

I finally decided to place the sketch in her locker. I couldn't wait any longer.

Nicoles P.O.V

"Hey Nicki."

I looked up to meet Carlos. The guy who had been trying to make me his girlfriend for the last one year. He was sweet, kind and somewhat possessive. Jade, my best friend always wondered what was wrong with me for not accepting his proposal.

"The guys a hunk, whats wrong with you Nicole?, do you know how many of the female species in school would kill to get a piece of him", I recalled a statement jade had said to me about him some time back.

"Hi , whats up"

I answered the grinning figure in front of me.

"Missed you babe".

There he goes again, calling me babe... Before it never bothered me, in fact I found it cute, but now, not so much. Maybe because he had called me that for far too long, I tried to reassure myself for not responding the fondness this guy was trying to show.

" I missed you, sijakuona weekend mzima", he said sweetly.

"Oh yeah."

"Yes I have, I got you something", he said reaching in his pants pocket and out came a small blue velvet jewelry box, he opened it and reveled a necklace, a beautiful silver necklace, simple and elegant.

"Carlos that's too much, you didn't have to go through the trouble."

"Well, I like you and that's too bad if you can't see it", he said sweetly as he walked behind me to place the necklace around my neck.

I stood up to face him.

"Carlos, this is just too much, am not even your girlfriend yet."

Just then the school bell rang. And Students started running to their respective classes.

"Why don't you want to be my girlfriend."

"We've been through this Carlos, lets get back before we get punished."

"You know I am in form four right, na next term sitakua shule, why don't you give me a chance?"He asked in a pleading tone

"Not now Carlos, okay... We'll talk about this later, right now let's get back."

We headed toward the classes and he went towards his class. I noticed the tension building between us.

I got to class in time ready for my Maths lesson and opened my locker to take out my books when I noticed a drawing of me..a portrait. Wow, it was really beautiful. I looked at the only guy who could have done this, he had an eye for detail, he was oblivious of my excitement as he concentrated on a book in front of him.It was the first time I was looking at him this way,I noticed he had perfect sideburns and stubble on his dimpled chin which made him look rather mature, his biceps could be seen as they were hugged slightly tight by his short sleeved shirt and his  unconscious look made him rather cute. I was really exited for the drawing that I felt like kissing his cheek to thank him.

"Thank you", I mummered and he looked at me with those rather large eyes that seemed to hide secrets and they suddenly glittered. I felt my cheeks warm up and looked away with a smile...was I blushing... Noooo.

"You welcome",He said looking at me with a smile.

"I really like it....wooww", I said noticing that he had captured the small dark spot to the left just below my lower lip.

" I never knew you can draw this well, this is really good." I said looking at his sketch my sketch now. I was just teasing him to draw my portrait because he was new and I wanted to play around with him before he got used to the school. No one had ever drawn me before, sure ,I had photos...lots of photos but nothing could compare with someone taking their time to bring out such perfection, especially when you are the one in question.

Before he could answer, the teacher walked in and began his lesson. I placed the sketch in my locker and as the lesson continued, I couldn't help but feel the urge to open my looker and sneak pick on my drawing.

I am definitely going to frame this when I get home...I thought to myself as the Mr Bruno tried to explain the concept of vectors.


_____*end of this chapter*_______

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