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This chapter I dedicate to
All my friends...present and past.

If there are any typos I ask for your forgiveness in advance

Please. Do enjoy.


Andrews P.O.V

Thursday afternoon was the official games day in Nairobi intermediate high. The school had invited Kiambu preparatory for a friendly soccer match.

Everybody in the school converged at the school's football pitch. It was the highlight of the week. As both students and teachers came together to enjoy the beautiful game.

John, Perry and I headed to the school pitch together from class. I had come to know Perry Abasa through John, he was quite a nice chap until you got on his wrong side .His brain could not tell his mouth when to stop hauling insults and weird comebacks when he was trying to show his superiority or rather defend himself when he was verbally attacked.

"Hey Drew, how does it feel being the desk-mate of the hottest piece in school?" Perry asked as we entered the football pitch heading towards the structured raised benches meant for the spectators.

Wow is this guy serious?

"Whats wrong with you Perry, kwani you view all girls like some roadkill or something", John asked him giving him a suspicious look.

I couldn't help but chuckle at this two arguing. They were still at it when I saw Rachael approaching and walking towards us. I could clearly see that she was pissed as her forehead was wrinkled with frustration, her eyebrows drawn together and her eyes squint making them look partly closed. Before I could register what was wrong with her, Perry beat me to it.

"OH...oh .....Johny here comes your angry 'piece'..."He said emphasizing on the word piece. I couldn't help but chuckle at the look John gave Perry as we all turned to look at the raging girl approaching us.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you John, you said....." she hissed at the guy who was currently giving her a blank look and suddenly cut her of.

"Not here babe..."

"Don't 'babe' me..."and before she could finish her statement, he got up, snatched her by the hand grabbing her wrist and dragged her away towards the fence at the back of the bench structures, she was protesting but had no other choice than to follow him involuntarily.

"Maann..he's in for it..."Perry said to me laughing heartily as we both looked behind towards the direction the couple had settled.... arguing.

"What's wrong with them...I have never seen her like that?" I asked Perry...curiosity building up inside me.

"I don't know, but they are usually like that",he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe he forgot her birthday again... The last time was really hilarious...Johny boy forgot her birthday, she was so furious with him that she started flirting with every guy openly in school so as to just frustrate and make him jealous, that was her idea of a comeback.... They have issues...she's really a drama queen you know... They seriously have issues..", He said raising his hands and curling his pointing fingers in quotation form as he said issues.

"That's why I avoid relationships like a plague",Perry continued shrugging his shoulders.

"I know you're afraid of talking to girls...I've seen how you easily tense and stammer whenever you talk to them", I teased.

"Look whose talking, you are the one who suddenly become dumb whenever Nicole's around",he came back from my statement.

I had to admit that was a good one and I really had nothing to retaliate as I realized what he was saying was partly true, but I wasn't going to admit that in front of him. He would hold it against me in future. I didn't want that.

"Speaking of the devil", Perry whispered urging me to look the direction he was looking.

Immediately I turned around, the sweet smell of lavender and jasmine lingered in the air hitting the sensitive part of my nose.


Nicole greeted occupying the spot John had earlier sat as she brushed on my shoulders. I immediately thanked Rachael in my mind for taking him away. Next to her were two other girls I recognized from our class but I couldn't recall their names as they sat next to her.

"Hi",I answered wondering why she sat next to me behaving as if she'd known me forever.

"You up for cheering the team?"she asked.

I looked at her first, after a minute upon realizing I was staring, I mentally slapped the back of my head...Say something you idiot.

"Ye...yes...definitely...of course."

"Huh...So what are you doing after school ?" She asked catching me by surprise.

"Nothing ...why ?"

"Well, we are allowed to stay in school after games every Thursday until 6:30 pm, I just wanted to ask if you are interested...Since you always go home immediately after the final bell".

For you I'll definitely stay...I wanted to say to her, but you know, words get stuck in the throat sometimes...ask any boy about it ...Especially when they are talking to girls.

"Okay..nitabaki" ,I verbally
answered her.

"What happens after...I mean after school?"I asked to break the awkward silence.

"Nothing much...just socializing listening to music and a little bit of dancing",she answered.

Just then the players entered the pitch and everybody was cheering.

I noticed Carlos was in the school team and he was in the starting lineup, I looked at the girl next to me as she cheered...for the team...or Carlos...not really sure. I absorbed her presence...her beauty...and suddenly became jealous of Carlos, as reality dawned of me there and then...
I like her...I like her too much for my own good.

I couldn't help but just look at her...Nicole...She was unaware of my attention towards her as she cheered happily towards the game which had already started. She suddenly looked up at me with a genuine smile on her lips..those full pink lips that were so enticing and inviting.

I suddenly looked away to avoid an awkward situation with her and turned to face Perry whose gaze was directed behind.I followed his gaze to face John and Rachael....lips locked...Yes they were kissing unconscious of their surrounding.

"Those two are so weird, they have a weird relationship".

Perry said with a chuckle. I couldn't deny...from what I had come to know about them In the few days I had been in this school, It kinda made sense.

_____*end of this chapter*_______

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