chapter - 14 - *THE TALK*

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Andrew's P.O.V

"What are you doing you two"

Our lips parted as We both turned to face the source of the voice. Racheal stood at the door with an annoyed look. I sighed with relief.

"You scared the hell out of me Racheal. I thought it was a teacher. What are you doing here? "

" Am the headgirl...remember! You are lucky I came in here first...." She said looking behind her anxiously.

"You should not be in school at this time, Mrs Gikandi is in the other classroom doing inspection. You better have a good explanation for her as to why you are in here." She continued.

"Find somewhere else to do that thing you were doing." She dramatically pointed at the both of us, her mouth curved with disapproval.

"Here she comes...let go of her."She said as she pointed at my hand, around Nicole's waist.

I had completely forgotten my arm was still around Nicole's waist, despite the current situation. I quickly retracted my arm and tried to look like we were doing something else, other than making out.

"What are you two still doing in school these late?"

Mrs Gikandi asked as she entered our classroom, waiting for a really good explanation.

"I.....we" I stammered as I tried to cook up a story, I was not good at lying...In fact I hated lies.

"Well...actually I asked them to remain behind..." Racheal intercepted saving my skin, I couldn't help but wonder what she was up to. 

"Why is that Racheal?" Mrs. Gikandi asked, now looking really suspecious, her forehead forming creased lines.

Now, I knew we were caught. I was ready to confess and come out clean, blaming it all on myself. But the girl did not even hesitate.

"I found them littering and told them to stay in school for extra thirty minutes after everyone was gone, collecting litter around the school compound as punishment." ...could she really do that, I mean punish anyone?, I looked at Nicole for answers and she looked blankly back at me.

"Together!" Mrs. Gikandi asked now really suspecious. I could tell she had not fallen for Racheal's explanation.

"No... she was the one who littered, but he was next to her when she was littering and didn't bother to even tell her it was wrong." Racheal stated pointing at Nicole then at me, her lying skills were exceptional. She didn't even blink as she poured them out.

I had to admit, that was pretty lame, even a kid wouldn't fall for such an excuse, but it worked... It really worked as all suspection disappeared from Mrs. Gikandi's face. It was quick thinking and I was really amazed, not by the lie but by the disappearance of all suspection from Mrs . Gikandi's face.

" We'll, I think your thirty minutes are over and so is your punishment, you can go home now." She said indicating for as to leave. I mumbled and formed the words 'Thankyou' towards Racheal without any sound from my mouth as I left the classroom . Racheal had risked so much trying to cover for us and I couldn't really understand why? I guess some people really have it in them. She was a life saver.

Nicole and I took our backpacks and headed straight for the school gate. We were back to normal just like before the mall incident. I was happy and she was happy. Her gloomy face had been replaced by a refreshing smile and glittering eyes, even her skin was a little shade lighter than before and she glowed. This girl beside me meant so much to me in such a little time that I got to know her,I would trade anything just to see her beautiful smile every single day, she was slowly getting to the top of the list of things that were of dear to me...that is if she was not on top yet.

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