Chapter 8 - ↑SOFT AND MOIST↓

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I am going to dedicate this chapter to myself for writing this book. 


Friday morning.

Andrew's P.O.V

I arrived in school early and I was happy and looking forward to get to school for the first time.

It was just yesterday that Nicole and I had declared feelings for each other. Now I couldn't wait to see her, I was so exited.

As I entered the school gate. I saw John in front of me so I ran in order to catch up with him, he was not alone as he was with another male student.

"Vipi bro", I greeted  upon catching up on him.

"Hi", he replied turning to shake my hand.

"You look happy man, I think I have an idea why your face is so lit up." He winked as he said this and I couldn't help but smirk some more.

"Anyway, am happy for you, you conquered what others had tried and failed. You are my official hero man." He said sealing it with a wink.

"You know, just being me." I said, trying to keep my cool.

The other student just looked at us with confusion, obviously not understanding what we were talking about.

We got to class and I got to my locker sat at my desk and took out my notebook to go through it before the morning preps teacher showed up. To tell you the truth, I couldn't concentrate on the book in front of me as my mind replayed the events that happened yesterday and I couldn't help but smile at my train of thoughts.

Then She walked in, looking so elegant...As always, a smile evident on her pretty face, the smile that I had come to love. I was still seated as she walked towards me to get to her desk. I will never grow out of that smile, I thought and as she walked behind me and gave me a hug as her arms found their way around my neck, her soft warm cheek rubbing on my own, I closed my eyes to take it all in as her sweet scent...that of lavender and jasmine invading my nose. Her breath was fantastic, it smelled of strawberries. Then she gave me a soft kiss on the cheek with her soft moist lips. It felt like heaven.

"Good morning, Andrew?" She said as she let go of me to take her seat. My eyes were still shut at this point.

"Morning Nicole", I answered, my eyes still shut. When I opened them, I met glances from other students whose mouths were wide open with disbelief and confusion as they tried to comprehend and figure out what had just happened.

I composed myself, trying to look normal, avoiding the glares as I cleared my throat.

She sat down at her seat, a mischievous smile was evident, playing on her lips. I could tell she was in a good mood... well how did I know that...I don't know... I just knew.

"Everybody is looking at us", I said to her.

"Well, I don't you? "She asked, a smile still on her face.

"No... not at all" I answered, in fact they could look at us...glare if they liked, I couldn't care less so long as I have her...nothing would ever intimidate me.

"So how was your night?" I asked her, trying to make small talk.

" always, yours? "

"Good" I answered.

I planned on asking her to be my girlfriend later. I even bought a silver necklace, nothing fancy of course, considering this had happened on such short notice and happening too fast.

Just then the teacher entered the class and interrupted my flow of thoughts.

During the lesson I passed her a note.

'You look beautiful'

She smiled upon reading it and wrote something on the paper too.

' Thank you, you are too sweet'

With that, all my concentration towards the lesson went through the window.

Recess Finally came and I walked out, ready to plan on how to make her my girlfriend.

Immediately I walked out of the classroom , I was smacked so hard on my face that I felt as if my jaw had been dislodged from my face...I can tell you now...from experience that people really do see stars when they get smacked on the face...not the fancy stars but little specs that make your sight blur for some time then after, your head weighs a ton.

"Carlos what is wrong with you?" I had someone say from my new found position, on the floor. I couldn't tell who it was but definitely? It was a girl, sounding like an echo.

"How dare you take my girl?" He asked but from where I was I couldn't tell the position where his voice came from.

Some blows followed...One after another. I tried to defend myself by putting my hands over my head and throwing them frantically, not knowing where the next blow would hit.

Then he suddenly stopped as rumors of a teacher coming rang in the air.I finally regained my consciousness and was helped up. I looked around and everyone was gone, only Nicole remained.

She directed me back to class.I sat on a desk and she stood in between my legs...attending to my face which felt numb from all the blows it had succumbed to.

Her eyes were filled with worry and tenderness as she looked down at my eyes level to her bust, tending to my new state. Then a tear tricked down her left cheek...then another followed from her right. This broke me, she was crying...crying for me. I couldn't stand looking at her in this state, she looked so vulnerable and I swore to myself I would protect her to eternity, if need be.

Carlos just messed with the wrong are going to pay for making her cry, I swear. ..I thought as my fists clenched.

"I am so sorry..." She said as a sob escaped her, but before she could finish her statement.

"Shhhhh.... ," I requested for her to stop talking as I placed my forefinger on her soft lips, I shifted my finger down to her lower lip, making them part a little. This act made my mind throb with desire, I shifted my gaze from her eyes to her full luscious and juicy lips...I then looked back into her deep brown eyes which portrayed innocence and tenderness , then she closed them slowly and this drove me crazy...nothing else mattered, my pain was gone, everything else around me was oblivious as I drew my face towards hers, our breaths mixed, then our lips locked. Her lips were soft, moist and tender, the feeling heavenly. When I pressed my lips to hers, she sighed...A contented sigh. Her arms found their way around my neck and mine around her hips, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened...nothing else mattered...only this moment.

_____*end of this chapter*_______

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