Olivia Sanders. She's the it girl in school. She's smart, she beautiful, and humble. She's nice to everyone, but stays close to her four bestfriends. There's only one thing, Liv doesn't love. She doesn't like opening up to many. But what happens whe...
My side was still on fire from where Noah touched me. And he called me princess. The way he said it.... snap out of it Liv. I can't get attached. That's my rule. Never get attached. Because in the end, someone always gets hurt, if not the both if them. Noah's just a friend. That's all he wants, that's all I want. I go to the living room to take the popcorn bowl to the sink. I hear the front door open and I stiff.
"Livie I'm home!" I instantly relax when I recognize Brooke's voice.
"In the kitchen!" I call back. She follows my voice and comes in the kitchen. She looks me up and down. "What's up with you?" She asks me. How the hell did she know something's up?
"Nothing." I say, maybe a little too quickly. A huge smirk takes place as she asks me, "it's that boy isn't? Noah?" Crap. My sisters have always been able to do this. The read me better than a book. And I've never known how they do it. I feel my face redden and I let my head hang low.
"Oh my god it is!" She yells.
"Shut up brooke." I mumble, embarrassment washing over me. My sisters make a big deal over everything. Especially Brooke. "Oh you want me to shut up huh? I guess you don't want this then." She says, holding something up. I instantly notice her holding my white IPhone.
"Oh my god Brooke thank you!" I shout, running over to her and grabbing my phone. I give my phone a kiss. What? I've missed it dearly. Brooke has a pleased look on her face. "What did you do to get it back? My sentence isn't over yet." I say, making it sound like I'm in jail. Which I kinda am.
"Well, I sort of got mom to make a deal with me." She sort of mumbles the last part. "Brooke what did you do?" I told mom that I would take your place when it comes to the phone.." My heart immediately swells with love for my sister. She gave up her phone for mine! "Brooke why did you do that?" I ask her. I have to know. Brooke loves her phone more than she loves life itself.
"Well I knew you wanted it so I got it for you." She tells me honestly. And here I thought my sister was just a bitch who fed off of my embarrassment. Oh wait she still is, but this is the nicer bitch.
I grab Brooke and pull her into a big hug. "Thank you Brooke!" I squeal.
Jg"you're welcome baby sis." I hug her one more time before heading towards my room. It feels so good to have my phone in my possession again. I get in my room, close the door and go over to my window seat. The window seat is my favorite. It always has been. It over looks our front yard, and shows the best sunrises, not that I'm up at that ungodly our to witness it.
I turn on my precious baby. As soon as it powers on numerous notifications flood it. 5 messages from Callie, 3 from Macy, 2 from Chase, and 4 from Jake. and 3 from Noah. I send a quick group message to them telling them I got my phone back then went to Noah's messages.
Noah: Hey little red I had fun tonight. Call me sometime and we can do it again. As friends of course. Noah: I have a proposition for you little red. One you won't want to miss. Text me if you're interested. Noah: I have a feeling you don't want to talk anymore. Sorry for bothering you.
I can't believe Noah really thought I was ignoring him. It's kinda cute. I don't know how but my finger clicked on the call button. Crap. He picks up after 2 rings.
"Looks like you're out of grounding huh little red?" His smooth voice comes through the receiver. I instantly smile at his nickname for me. I've grown to like it surprisingly.
"Yes I am," I reply. "Now you wanna talk about those messages?" I ask him, a small smirk growing on my face. He laughs nervously.
"You uh.. You saw those?" He asks. Now I really laugh.
"Noah of course I saw them." I say. "I wanna talk about that proposition." I hear him sigh of relief on the other end.
"Laser tag. Next Saturday night. I'll pick you up at around seven and we'll go. Deal?" He says so confidently. Honestly, playing laser tag would be great. I love it.
"Is this a date Greene?" I ask, only joking.
"If you want it to be Little red." I can practically see his smirk. I'm taken aback from his boldness once again.
"I uh... I um.." I try to say but fail profusely. I have no clue why this boy gets me so tongue tied. Noah bursts out laughing.
"Liv I'm joking. Seriously calm down." He says, and my heart rate decreases.
"Real funny Noah." I mutter. He laughs some more at my attitude.
We end up talking for another two hours about craziness before I eventually get so tired I'm falling asleep on the phone. I'm still on the window seat. I'm too tired to make the effort to lay in bed.
"Liv are you there?" Noah asks. I barely register it. "Mmm." I somehow mutter back. I'm worn out. I can feel myself slipping in and out of drowsiness.
"Goodnight Princess. Sweet dreams." I hear his voice say before I drift off into a deep sleep.
****** (Liv's phone)
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I honestlydon't know whereI was going with this chapter. I think it turnedout good though! Guys don't be a ghost reader ok? Let me knowsomeone reads this book. It would really inspire me alot. Oh and updates are going to start to get slower Because school starts back next week😭. So yeah... that's it!