Chapter Nineteen

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Suddenly, all the love songs were about you.
- Unknown
School is overrated. Like what if I don't want an education? What if I want to become a stripper? Do you even need a diploma to work at McDonald's? The only thing that is motivating me to actually get up is Noah, and the fact that we have our first volleyball game of the year. I absolutely can't miss that.

I hear Macy's annoying snoring and I'm tempted to chuck one of my books at her face. She showed up at like one in the morning so that I could tell her about what happened Saturday. Why she couldn't just call me, I'll never know. But anyway she stayed of course, and is now drooling all over my fluffy pillows.

"Macy get up! There's a fire! Hurry!" I scream, jumping on her and shaking her. She shoots straight up and looks around while I double over in laughter. Once she realizes that there's in fact not a fire, she looks at me with pure hatred. It's the only way I could have gotten her up. Oops.

"Liv not funny!" She huffs, getting up and going into the bathroom, slamming it shut.

"If you hurry up we can go and get Starbucks!" That'll bring her out. The door opens again and she sticks her head out of it.

"Did you say Starbucks?" She asks and I nod, throwing on a pair of dark washed ripped blue jeans and my mandatory volleyball pullover. We have to wear them on home games, and we have to dress up nicely on away games.

I run a brush through my hair before throwing it in a high ponytail. Macy rummaged through her night bag she brought last night before pulling out her pullover and pulling out the same pair of jeans I'm wearing. I smile overtakes my face.

"You remembered." I say.

"Of course I did you idiot. We've been doing this since we were in travel ball." She laughs, putting her clothes on.

Me and Macy made a promise when we were nine that we would match for every first volleyball game each year. Every year we have my mom take our pictures, and we hang them up in order on our walls. I so everything with Macy. She's my go to for everything.

"You ready? There's a white chocolate mocha just calling my name." Macy asks. I walk over to my closet to slip on my converse, then walking back and getting my own backpack, gear bag, and phone.

My mom's waiting for us at the end of the staircase, camera ready in her hand.

"You girls look beautiful." She says as she snaps a few shots.
She quickly takes a few more and we climb into my Jeep, Macy instantly grabbing my aux cord and hooking it up to her phone as we pull out of the driveway. "Havana" starts to play and I smirk over at Macy.

"Havana, ooh na-na," She starts.

"Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh-na-na,"

He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na"

"All of my heart is in Havana,"

"There's something 'bout his manners,"

"Havana ooh na-na,"

"He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'?" Macy sings, smiling at me.

"When he came in the room,"

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